PM Modi Unveils Coin and Stamp for New Parliament Building Inauguration

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PM Modi Unveils Coin and Stamp for New Parliament Building Inauguration

यदि आप सही words का सही जगह इस्तेमाल करना सीखना चाहते हैं या कह लीजिए कि आप English vocabulary सही तरीके से इस्तेमाल करना देखना चाहते हैं, तो आप बिल्कुल सही जगह आएं इस कहानी की मदद से हम english के कुछ words को day to day life में इस्तेमाल करना सीखेंगे

आइए, पहले हम इस कहानी "Twelve Months" को पढ़ने के लिए खुद को तैयार करते हैं इस कहानी में इस्तेमाल होने वाले कुछ words की जानकारी लेंगे उसके बाद कहानी पढ़ेंगे, फिर उसके बाद प्रश्नों को पूछना सीखेंगे और उनका उत्तर देना भी सीखेंगे

    #1. Useful Sentences

    1. Significant (महत्वपूर्ण)

    Meaning - important or notable


    Usage - The meeting tomorrow is significant as it will determine the future of the project.

    कल की बैठक महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि यह परियोजना के भविष्य का निर्धारण करेगी।


    2. Unveiled (अनावरण किया)

    Meaning - revealed or introduced publicly for the first time


    Usage - The artist unveiled her latest masterpiece at the art exhibition.

    कलाकार ने कला प्रदर्शनी में अपनी नवीनतम कृति का अनावरण किया।


    3. Commemorative (स्मारक-रूप)

    Meaning - serving to honor or remember an event or person


    Usage - We planted a tree as a commemorative gesture for Earth Day.

    पृथ्वी दिवस के उपलक्ष्य में हमने एक पौधा लगाया।


    4. Postage (डाक-व्यय)

    Meaning - the cost or fee for sending mail or packages.


    Usage - I need to buy some stamps for the postage of these letters.

    इन पत्रों के डाक खर्च के लिए मुझे कुछ डाक टिकट खरीदने हैं।


    5. Stamp  (टिकट)

    Meaning - a small adhesive label used to indicate that postage has been paid.


    Usage - I collect rare stamps from different countries as a hobby.

    शौक के तौर पर मैं अलग-अलग देशों से दुर्लभ डाक टिकट संग्रह करता हूं।


    6. Inauguration (उद्घाटन)

    Meaning - the formal ceremony or act of introducing or initiating something new.


    Usage - The inauguration of the new school building was attended by many dignitaries.

    नए स्कूल भवन के उद्घाटन में कई गणमान्य लोगों ने भाग लिया।


    7. Lok Sabha (लोकसभा)

    Meaning - the lower house of the Parliament of India


    Usage - The Lok Sabha passed the bill with a majority vote.

    लोकसभा ने विधेयक को बहुमत से पारित कर दिया।


    8. Chamber  (कक्ष)

    Meaning - a large room used for formal or public events.


    Usage - The conference was held in a spacious chamber with comfortable seating.

    सम्मेलन आरामदायक बैठने के साथ एक विशाल कक्ष में आयोजित किया गया था।


    9. Gazette राज-पत्र (गज़ट)

    Meaning - an official government publication containing notices and announcements.


    Usage - The changes in tax regulations were published in the government gazette.

    कर नियमों में बदलाव सरकारी राजपत्र में प्रकाशित किए गए थे।


    10. Notification (अधिसूचना)

    Meaning - a formal announcement or notice


    Usage - I received a notification on my phone about the upcoming meeting.

    मुझे अपने फोन पर आगामी बैठक के बारे में एक सूचना प्राप्त हुई।


    11. Department (विभाग)

    Meaning - a division or section within an organization or government


    Usage - The marketing department is responsible for promoting the company's products.

    विपणन विभाग कंपनी के उत्पादों को बढ़ावा देने के लिए जिम्मेदार है।


    12. Economic (आर्थिक)

    Meaning - relating to the production, consumption, and distribution of goods and services.


    Usage - The government implemented economic reforms to boost the country's economy.

    सरकार ने देश की अर्थव्यवस्था को बढ़ावा देने के लिए आर्थिक सुधारों को लागू किया।


    13. Affairs  (मामले)

    Meaning - matters or events of importance or concern.


    Usage - The committee discussed various matters relating to foreign affairs.

    समिति ने विदेशी मामलों से संबंधित विभिन्न मामलों पर चर्चा की।


    14. Union (संघ)

    Meaning - the act of joining together or uniting.


    Usage - The union of the two companies created a powerful force in the industry.

    दो कंपनियों के संघ ने उद्योग में एक शक्तिशाली शक्ति का निर्माण किया।


    15. Ministry (मंत्रालय)

    Meaning - a government department responsible for a specific area or sector


    Usage - The Ministry of Education oversees the country's educational policies.

    शिक्षा मंत्रालय देश की शैक्षिक नीतियों की देखरेख करता है।


    16. Finance  (वित्त)

    Meaning - the management of money, investments, and other financial matters.


    Usage - I need to meet with the finance department to discuss my budget.

    मुझे अपने बजट पर चर्चा करने के लिए वित्त विभाग से मिलने की जरूरत है।


    17. Denominational (अंकित)

    Meaning - relating to or indicating a specific value or denomination


    Usage - The denominational value of the coin was clearly printed on its face.

    सिक्के का अंकित मूल्य उसकी सतह पर स्पष्ट रूप से छपा हुआ था।


    18. Inscribed (खुदा हुआ)

    Meaning - written or engraved on a surface


    Usage - The award had his name inscribed on it as a mark of recognition.

    सम्मान के चिह्न के रूप में इस पुरस्कार पर उनका नाम खुदा हुआ था।


    19. Numerals (अंकों)

    Meaning - symbols or figures representing numbers


    Usage - The clock had Roman numerals instead of regular numbers.

    घड़ी में नियमित अंकों के बजाय रोमन अंक थे।


    20. Inaugurate  (उद्घाटन करना)

    Meaning - to formally begin or introduce something with a ceremony


    Usage - The mayor will inaugurate the new library by cutting the ribbon.
    नए पुस्तकालय का उद्घाटन महापौर फीता काटकर करेंगी।


    #2. Synonyms

    1. Significant - Meaningful, noteworthy, important

    2. Unveiled - Revealed, introduced, disclosed

    3. Commemorative - Celebratory, memorial, honorary

    4. Postage - Mailing cost, postal fee, shipping charge

    5. Stamp - Seal, mark, imprint

    6. Inauguration - Opening, initiation, launch

    7. Gazette - Bulletin, publication, journal

    8. Notification - Announcement, alert, communication

    9. Department - Division, section, branch

    10. Economic - Financial, monetary, fiscal

    11. Affairs - Matters, issues, concerns

    12. Union - Association, alliance, coalition

    13. Ministry - Department, bureau, office

    14. Finance - Money, funds, capital

    15. Denominational - Valued, rated, classified

    16. Inscribed - Engraved, etched, imprinted

    17. Numerals - Figures, digits, numbers

    18. Lion Capital - Emblem, symbol, crest

    19. Parliament Complex - Legislative building, assembly premises, government headquarters

    20. Inaugurate - Commence, launch, initiate

    Sure! Here are 10 multiple-choice questions based on difficult words from the article:


    #3. Choose the right word for the given words :

    1. What is the meaning of "inauguration"?

       a) Celebration

       b) Initiation

       c) Conclusion

       d) Announcement


    2. What is the synonym for "commemorative"?

       a) Elaborate

       b) Celebratory

       c) Temporary

       d) Repetitive


    3. What does the term "gazette" refer to?

       a) Magazine

       b) Newspaper

       c) Bulletin

       d) Diary


    4. What is the synonym for "denominational"?

       a) Monetary

       b) Categorical

       c) Ecclesiastical

       d) Pictorial


    5. What is the meaning of "inscription"?

       a) Signature

       b) Engraving

       c) Subscription

       d) Notification


    6. What is the synonym for "numerals"?

       a) Letters

       b) Figures

       c) Symbols

       d) Alphabets


    7. What does the term "Lok Sabha" represent?

       a) Legislative building

       b) Upper house of Parliament

       c) Lower house of Parliament

       d) Parliamentary committee


    8. What is the meaning of "gazette notification"?

       a) Formal announcement

       b) Government report

       c) Legal document

       d) Press release


    9. What is the synonym for "finance"?

       a) Economy

       b) Budget

       c) Money

       d) Investment


    10. What does the term "Parliament Complex" refer to?

        a) Administrative offices

        b) Government headquarters

        c) Judicial building

        d) Legislative premises


    #4. Answer of #3 :

    1. b) Initiation

    2.  b) Celebratory

    3.  c) Bulletin

    4. b) Categorical

    5.  b) Engraving

    6. b) Figures

    7. c) Lower house of Parliament

    8.   a) Formal announcement

    9. c) Money

    10. d) Legislative premises


    #5. News

    PM Modi Unveils Coin and Stamp for New Parliament Building Inauguration

    That's a significant event. On Sunday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled a special commemorative postage stamp and a Rs 75 coin to mark the inauguration of the new Parliament building. The release of the coin and stamp took place during the inauguration event held at the Lok Sabha chamber of the new Parliament building.

    As per the gazette notification issued by the Department of Economic Affairs under the Union Ministry of Finance, the weight of the coin is stated to be between 34.65 and 35.35 grams.

    The design of the coin features the image of the Lion Capital of the Ashoka Pillar at its center, with the words "Bharat" in Devanagari script and "INDIA" in English on either side. Below the Lion Capital, the rupee symbol "" and the denominational value "75" in international numerals will be inscribed.

    On the other side of the coin, there will be an image of the Parliament Complex, along with the year "2023" in international numerals below the image.

    This commemorative coin and stamp serve as a tribute to the new Parliament building and commemorate its inauguration.



    #6. Conversation

    Three friends, Rajesh, Priya, and Anika, are sitting at a café, discussing the recent event where Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled a commemorative coin and stamp for the inauguration of the new Parliament building.

    Rajesh: Hey, did you hear about the special coin and stamp unveiled by Prime Minister Modi for the new Parliament building?

    Priya: Yes, it's a significant event. The Prime Minister marked the inauguration with a commemorative coin and stamp.

    Anika: That's interesting! I wonder what the design looks like.

    Rajesh: According to the gazette notification, the coin features the Lion Capital of the Ashoka Pillar, with "Bharat" and "INDIA" inscribed in Devanagari and English respectively.

    Priya: That's a nice touch. I'm sure it represents the unity and diversity of our country.

    Anika: Absolutely! And below the Lion Capital, they've inscribed the rupee symbol "" and the value "75" in international numerals to denote the denomination.

    Rajesh: On the other side of the coin, there will be an image of the Parliament Complex and the year "2023" below it.

    Priya: It must be a beautiful coin, capturing the essence of our new Parliament building.

    Anika: Definitely. Both the coin and the stamp serve as a tribute to this iconic structure and commemorate its inauguration.

    Rajesh: It's wonderful to see such initiatives to honor our country's important landmarks.

    Priya: Absolutely! It's a proud moment for all Indians.

    Anika: Indeed. I can't wait to see the coin and stamp myself. It will be a great addition to my collection.

    Rajesh: Let's hope they become cherished memorabilia for years to come.

    Priya: Cheers to that!

    The conversation continues as they enjoy their time together, discussing various topics of interest.


    #7. Answer the following questions : (Know how to ask questions)

    1. What did Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveil on Sunday?

       Answer: A special commemorative postage stamp and a Rs 75 coin.


    2. What was the purpose of unveiling the coin and stamp?

       Answer: To mark the inauguration of the new Parliament building.


    3. Where did the release of the coin and stamp take place?

       Answer: In the Lok Sabha chamber of the new Parliament building.


    4. Which department issued the gazette notification?

       Answer: The Department of Economic Affairs.


    5. Under which ministry does the Department of Economic Affairs operate?

       Answer: The Union Ministry of Finance.


    6. What is the weight range of the coin?

       Answer: Between 34.65 and 35.35 grams.


    7. What is inscribed below the Lion Capital on the coin?

       Answer: The rupee symbol "" and the denominational value "75" in international numerals.


    8. What is depicted on the other side of the coin?

       Answer: An image of the Parliament Complex.


    9. What is the significance of the year "2023" on the coin?

       Answer: It represents the year of the inauguration.


    10. What purpose do the commemorative coin and stamp serve?

        Answer: They serve as a tribute to the new Parliament building and commemorate its inauguration.


    11. Who unveiled the commemorative coin and stamp?

        Answer: Prime Minister Narendra Modi.


    12. When did the unveiling ceremony take place?

        Answer: On Sunday.


    13. What is the name of the chamber where the event was held?

        Answer: Lok Sabha chamber.


    14. Which script is used for the word "Bharat" on the coin?

        Answer: Devanagari script.


    15. What is the value of the coin in rupees?

        Answer: Rs 75.


    16. Who issued the gazette notification?

        Answer: The Department of Economic Affairs.


    17. Which ministry does the Department of Economic Affairs belong to?

        Answer: Union Ministry of Finance.


    18. What does the coin feature at its center?

        Answer: The image of the Lion Capital of the Ashoka Pillar.


    19. What is the symbol of the Indian currency inscribed on the coin?

        Answer: The rupee symbol "".


    20. What does the commemorative coin and stamp honor?

        Answer: The new Parliament building and its inauguration.

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