Tragic Train Accident in Odisha: 207 Dead, Nearly 900 Injured

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    आइएपहले हम इस इस  दुखद समाचार से  "Tragic Train Accident in Odisha: 207 Dead, Nearly 900  Injured"  को पढ़ने के लिए खुद को तैयार करते हैं  इस दुखद समाचार में इस्तेमाल होने वाले कुछ words की जानकारी लेंगे  उसके बाद दुखद  समाचार पढ़ेंगे

    उसके बाद प्रश्नों को पूछना सीखेंगे और उनका उत्तर देना भी सीखेंगे 

    H1 : Useful words

    1. Devastating (भयानक)

    Meaning - causing great damage, destruction, or emotional distress


    The devastating tornado destroyed several homes and left the community in ruins.

    विनाशकारी बवंडर ने कई घरों को नष्ट कर दिया और समुदाय को खंडहर में छोड़ दिया।


    2. Survivors (जीवित बचे लोग)

    Meaning - people who continue to live or exist after a dangerous or life-threatening event


    The survivors of the shipwreck were rescued and taken to the nearby island for medical attention.

    जहाज़ की तबाही से बचे लोगों को बचाया गया और चिकित्सा के लिए पास के द्वीप पर ले जाया गया।


    3. Collided (टकराना)

    Meaning - to crash or come into violent contact with another object or person


    The two cars collided at the intersection, causing a significant traffic jam.

    चौराहे पर दोनों कारों की भिड़ंत हो गई, जिससे भीषण जाम लग गया।


    4. Assurance (आश्वासन)

    Meaning - a promise or guarantee given to provide confidence or support


    The doctor's assurance that the surgery would be successful eased the patient's fears.

    डॉक्टर के आश्वासन कि सर्जरी सफल होगी, ने मरीज के डर को कम कर दिया।


    5. Alerted  (ख़तरे की सूचना)

    Meaning - to make someone aware or notify them about a particular situation


    The security guard was alerted about a suspicious person entering the building.

    बिल्डिंग में एक संदिग्ध व्यक्ति के घुसने की सूचना सुरक्षा गार्ड को दी गई।


    6. Mobilized (संगठित करना)

    Meaning - to organize and prepare resources or people for a specific purpose or action


    The charity organization mobilized volunteers to help with the disaster relief efforts.

    चैरिटी संगठन ने आपदा राहत प्रयासों में मदद के लिए स्वयंसेवकों को जुटाया।


    7. Grief (दुख)

    Meaning - intense sorrow or deep sadness, especially caused by someone's death or a loss


    The family experienced immense grief after the sudden passing of their beloved pet.

    अपने प्यारे पालतू जानवर के आकस्मिक निधन के बाद परिवार को अपार दुख का अनुभव हुआ।


    8. Coordinated (समन्वित)

    Meaning - to organize or arrange different elements or actions in a harmonious and efficient way


    The event planner coordinated all the vendors to ensure a successful wedding ceremony.

    शादी समारोह को सफल बनाने के लिए इवेंट प्लानर ने सभी वेंडर्स को कोऑर्डिनेट किया।


    9. Ex-gratia (अनुदानात्मक रूप से)

    Meaning - a payment made out of goodwill, generosity, or compassion, without any legal obligation


    The company provided ex-gratia bonuses to its employees as a gesture of appreciation for their hard work.

    कंपनी ने अपने कर्मचारियों को उनकी कड़ी मेहनत के लिए प्रशंसा के संकेत के रूप में पूर्व-अनुदान बोनस प्रदान किया।


    10. Assistance (सहायता)

    Meaning - help or support given to someone in need or during a difficult situation


    The Red Cross provided immediate assistance to the victims of the natural disaster.

    रेड क्रॉस ने प्राकृतिक आपदा के पीड़ितों को तत्काल सहायता प्रदान की।


    11. Tragic (दुखद)

    Meaning - extremely sad or unfortunate, often involving death or suffering


    The tragic accident left a lasting impact on the community, with people mourning the loss of their loved ones.

    इस दुखद दुर्घटना ने समुदाय पर एक स्थायी प्रभाव छोड़ा, जिसमें लोग अपने प्रियजनों के खोने का शोक मना रहे हैं।


    12. Importance (महत्त्व)

    Meaning - the the quality of being significant, valuable, or worthy of attention


    Education plays a crucial role in the importance of shaping young minds and preparing them for the future.

    शिक्षा युवा दिमाग को आकार देने और उन्हें भविष्य के लिए तैयार करने के महत्व में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती है।


    13. Stringent (कठोर)

    Meaning - strict, precise, or rigorous in applying rules or standards


    The school has stringent policies regarding student behavior to maintain a safe and disciplined environment.

    सुरक्षित और अनुशासित वातावरण बनाए रखने के लिए छात्र के व्यवहार के संबंध में स्कूल की सख्त नीतियां हैं।


    14. Operations (परिचालन)

    Meaning - the activities and processes involved in running or managing a business or organization


    Meaning - The manufacturing company streamlined its operations to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

    निर्माण कंपनी ने दक्षता में सुधार और लागत कम करने के लिए अपने परिचालनों को सुव्यवस्थित किया।


    15. Prevention (निवारण)

    Meaning - the act of stopping something from happening or avoiding its occurrence


    Regular exercise and a healthy diet can help in the prevention of many lifestyle-related diseases.

    नियमित व्यायाम और स्वस्थ आहार जीवनशैली से जुड़ी कई बीमारियों की रोकथाम में मदद कर सकता है।


    16. Passengers (यात्री)

    Meaning - people who travel in a vehicle, such as a train, bus, or airplane, but are not operating it


    Meaning - The airport was crowded with passengers waiting to board their flights to various destinations.

    हवाई अड्डे पर विभिन्न गंतव्यों के लिए अपनी उड़ानों में सवार होने की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे यात्रियों की भीड़ थी।


    17. Coaches (बोगी)

    Meaning - railway cars or compartments used for carrying passengers


    The luxury coach provided comfortable seating and amenities for the long-distance train journey.

    लक्ज़री कोच लंबी दूरी की ट्रेन यात्रा के लिए आरामदायक बैठने और सुविधाएं प्रदान करता है।


    18. Financial (वित्तीय)

    Meaning - relating to money or the management of money


    She sought financial advice from a professional to better plan her investments and savings.

    उसने अपने निवेश और बचत की बेहतर योजना बनाने के लिए एक पेशेवर से वित्तीय सलाह मांगी।


    19. Relief (राहत)

    Meaning - the feeling of reassurance or comfort after a period of difficulty, stress, or pain


    After a long day at work, a hot bath provides a sense of relief and relaxation.

    दिन भर काम करने के बाद, गर्म स्नान से राहत और विश्राम की अनुभूति होती है।


    20. Injured (चोटिल)

    harmed or physically hurt as a result of an accident, incident, or violence


    Meaning - The injured hiker was immediately taken to the hospital for medical attention and treatment.

    घायल यात्री को तुरंत उपचार व उपचार के लिए अस्पताल ले जाया गया।


    H2 : Synonyms

    1. Tragic - sorrowful, catastrophic, lamentable

    2. Accident - mishap, collision, disaster

    3. Devastating - destructive, calamitous, ruinous

    4. Collision - crash, impact, smash

    5. Claimed - took, seized, acquired

    6. Lives - existence, beings, livelihoods

    7. Injured - harmed, wounded, hurt

    8. Incident - event, occurrence, episode

    9. Coaches - carriages, compartments, wagons

    10. Derailed - off the tracks, veered off, jumped the rails

    11. Fell - dropped, descended, tumbled

    12. Rescue - save, salvage, retrieve

    13. Operations - activities, proceedings, maneuvers

    14. Grief - sorrow, mourning, sadness

    15. Assured - guaranteed, promised, reassured

    16. Support - assistance, aid, help

    17. Alerted - notified, warned, informed

    18. Mobilized - deployed, organized, activated

    19. Ministers - officials, executives, administrators

    20. Prevent - avoid, stop, hinder


    H3 : Choose the right word for the given words :

    1. What is the meaning of "devastating"?

       a) Exciting

       b) Destructive

       c) Captivating

       d) Delightful


    2. What is the meaning of "collision"?

       a) Cooperation

       b) Encounter

       c) Agreement

       d) Conflict


    3. What is the meaning of "derailed"?

       a) Interrupted

       b) Diverted

       c) Off the tracks

       d) Accelerated


    4. What is the meaning of "rescue"?

       a) Abandon

       b) Surrender

       c) Save

       d) Ignore


    5. What is the meaning of "assured"?

       a) Uncertain

       b) Doubtful

       c) Promised

       d) Unreliable


    6. What is the meaning of "mobilized"?

       a) Demobilized

       b) Inactive

       c) Organized

       d) Stagnant


    7. What is the meaning of "coordinating"?

       a) Disrupting

       b) Harmonizing

       c) Clashing

       d) Confusing


    8. What is the meaning of "ex-gratia"?

       a) Mandatory

       b) Obligatory

       c) Voluntary

       d) Compulsory


    9. What is the meaning of "stringent"?

       a) Flexible

       b) Lenient

       c) Strict

       d) Relaxed


    10. What is the meaning of "implementing"?

        a) Abandoning

        b) Withdrawing

        c) Executing

        d) Disregarding


    H4 : Answer of H3

    1.  b) Destructive

    2.   d) Conflict

    3.   c) Off the tracks

    4.   c) Save

    5.   c) Promised

    6.   c) Organized

    7. b) Harmonizing

    8.   c) Voluntary

    9.  c) Strict

    10. c) Executing


    H5 : News

    Tragic Train Accident in Odisha: 207 Dead, Nearly 900 Injured

    In a devastating train accident in Balasore, Odisha, a collision between two trains has claimed the lives of 207 people and left nearly 900 others injured. The incident occurred when the Shalimar-Chennai Coromandel Express and the Yashwantpur-Howrah Superfast Express collided after some coaches of the Coromandel Express derailed and fell onto adjacent tracks. A third freight train was also involved in the accident.

    Rescue operations led by the Odisha Fire Services and the National Disaster Relief Force are underway, with efforts focused on searching for survivors and providing medical aid. Medical colleges and hospitals in the area have been alerted, and over 60 ambulances have been mobilized.

    Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his grief and assured the affected families of all possible support. He has spoken to the Railway Minister to stay updated on the situation. Chief Ministers Mamata Banerjee of West Bengal and Naveen Patnaik of Odisha are actively monitoring the situation and coordinating relief efforts.

    To assist the victims, Prime Minister Modi announced an ex-gratia payment of 2 lakh for the families of the deceased and 50,000 for the injured from the Prime Minister's National Relief Fund.

    This tragic accident highlights the importance of implementing stringent safety measures in railway operations to prevent such devastating incidents and protect the lives of passengers.


    H6 : Conversation

    Ramesh: Have you heard about the tragic train accident in Balasore, Odisha?

    Sunita: Yes, it's heartbreaking. A collision between two trains claimed the lives of 207 people and left nearly 900 injured.

    Rajesh: That's devastating. How did it happen?

    Ramesh: Apparently, some coaches of the Coromandel Express derailed and fell onto adjacent tracks, causing the collision with the Yashwantpur-Howrah Superfast Express.

    Sunita: And there was even a third freight train involved in the accident. It must have been a chaotic scene.

    Rajesh: Rescue operations are underway, led by the Odisha Fire Services and the National Disaster Relief Force. They are searching for survivors and providing medical aid.

    Ramesh: Medical colleges and hospitals in the area have been alerted, and they have mobilized over 60 ambulances to assist the injured.

    Sunita: Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed his grief and assured the affected families of support. He's closely monitoring the situation along with Chief Ministers Mamata Banerjee and Naveen Patnaik.

    Rajesh: That's good to hear. Prime Minister Modi also announced financial assistance from the National Relief Fund for the families of the deceased and the injured.

    Ramesh: This tragic accident emphasizes the need for strict safety measures in railway operations to prevent such incidents and protect passengers' lives.

    Sunita: Absolutely. Safety should always be a top priority in transportation systems.

    Rajesh: Let's hope that lessons will be learned from this and necessary steps will be taken to prevent similar accidents in the future.


    H7 : Answer the following questions : (Know how to ask questions)

    1. Where did the train accident occur?

    Answer: Balasore, Odisha.


    2. How many people lost their lives in the accident?

    Answer: 207 people.


    3. How many people were injured in the accident?

    Answer: Nearly 900 people.


    4. Which two trains were involved in the collision?

    Answer: Shalimar-Chennai Coromandel Express and Yashwantpur-Howrah Superfast Express.


    5. What caused the collision?

    Answer: Some coaches of the Coromandel Express derailed and fell onto adjacent tracks.


    6. Which organizations are leading the rescue operations?

    Answer: Odisha Fire Services and the National Disaster Relief Force.


    7. What is the focus of the rescue operations?

    Answer: Searching for survivors and providing medical aid.


    8. How many ambulances have been mobilized in the area?

    Answer: Over 60 ambulances.


    9. Who expressed their grief and assured support to the affected families?

    Answer: Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.


    10. Who else is actively monitoring the situation?

    Answer: Chief Ministers Mamata Banerjee and Naveen Patnaik.


    11. How much ex-gratia payment was announced for the families of the deceased?

    Answer: 2 lakh.


    12. How much ex-gratia payment was announced for the injured?

    Answer: 50,000.


    13. What fund will the ex-gratia payment be given from?

    Answer: Prime Minister's National Relief Fund.


    14. What does this tragic accident highlight?

    Answer: The importance of implementing stringent safety measures in railway operations.


    15. Which state is Balasore located in?

    Answer: Odisha.


    16. Which ministry did Prime Minister Modi speak to regarding the situation?

    Answer: Railway Ministry.


    17. How many coaches of the Coromandel Express derailed?

    Answer: Some coaches derailed.


    18. How many trains were involved in the accident?

    Answer: Three trains.


    19. Which organizations are involved in the rescue operations?

    Answer: Odisha Fire Services and the National Disaster Relief Force.


    20. What is the main focus of the rescue operations?

    Answer: Searching for survivors and providing medical aid.


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