New Parliament of the India : Symbolic Grandeur and Modernity

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यदि आप सही words का सही जगह इस्तेमाल करना सीखना चाहते हैं या कह लीजिए कि आप English vocabulary सही तरीके से इस्तेमाल करना देखना चाहते हैं, तो आप बिल्कुल सही जगह आएं इस कहानी की मदद से हम english के कुछ words को day to day life में इस्तेमाल करना सीखेंगे

आइए, पहले हम इस कहानी "Twelve Months" को पढ़ने के लिए खुद को तैयार करते हैं इस कहानी में इस्तेमाल होने वाले कुछ words की जानकारी लेंगे उसके बाद कहानी पढ़ेंगे, फिर उसके बाद प्रश्नों को पूछना सीखेंगे और उनका उत्तर देना भी सीखेंगे

    #1. Useful Words

    1. Parliament (संसद)
    A legislative body that represents the people and makes laws.

    The members of parliament gathered to debate and vote on the proposed legislation.
    संसद के सदस्य प्रस्तावित कानून पर बहस और मतदान करने के लिए एकत्र हुए।

    2. Structure (
    A framework or organization of parts.

    The new Parliament building is an impressive structure with its grand design and architecture.
    नया संसद भवन अपने भव्य डिजाइन और वास्तुकला के साथ एक प्रभावशाली संरचना है।

    3. Symbolism (
    The use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.

    The peacock motif in the Lok Sabha chamber holds great symbolism, representing India's beauty and diversity.
    लोकसभा कक्ष में मोर की आकृति महान प्रतीकवाद रखती है, जो भारत की सुंदरता और विविधता का प्रतिनिधित्व करती है।

    4. Stately (
    Impressive and dignified in appearance.

    The new Parliament building in New Delhi is a stately structure that commands attention.
    नई दिल्ली में नया संसद भवन एक आलीशान संरचना है जो ध्यान आकर्षित करती है।

    5. Peacock (
    A large and colorful bird native to India, known for its beautiful feathers.

    The peacock is the national bird of India and is often admired for its vibrant plumage.
    मोर भारत का राष्ट्रीय पक्षी है और अक्सर इसकी जीवंत पंखों के लिए प्रशंसा की जाती है।

    6. Motif (
    A recurring theme or design element.

    The peacock motif in the Lok Sabha chamber adds an elegant touch to the interior decor.
    लोकसभा के कक्ष में मोर की प्रतिलिपि आंतरिक सजावट को एक आकर्षक टच देती है।

    7. Diversity (
    The state of being different or varied.

    India is known for its cultural diversity, with people from various religions and backgrounds living harmoniously.
    भारत अपनी सांस्कृतिक विविधता के लिए जाना जाता है, जहां विभिन्न धर्मों और पृष्ठभूमि के लोग सौहार्दपूर्ण ढंग से रहते हैं।

    8. Progress (
    Forward or onward movement toward a destination or goal.

    The new Parliament building stands as a symbol of India's progress and development as a nation.
    नया संसद भवन एक राष्ट्र के रूप में भारत की प्रगति और विकास के प्रतीक के रूप में खड़ा है।

    9. Aspirations (
    Strong desires or ambitions.

    The new Parliament building represents India's aspirations for a better future and a thriving democracy.
    नया संसद भवन बेहतर भविष्य और संपन्न लोकतंत्र के लिए भारत की आकांक्षाओं का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है।

    10. Impressive (
    Arousing admiration or respect due to size, quality, or skill.

    The new Parliament building is an impressive structure that showcases India's architectural prowess.
    नया संसद भवन एक प्रभावशाली संरचना है जो भारत की वास्तुकला कौशल को प्रदर्शित करता है।

    11. Size (
    Meaning - The dimensions or extent of something.

    The new Parliament building surpasses the existing one in size, offering more space for parliamentary proceedings.
    नया संसद भवन आकार में मौजूदा भवन से बड़ा है, जो संसदीय कार्यवाही के लिए अधिक स्थान प्रदान करता है।

    12. Seating capacity (
    बैठक क्षमता)
    Meaning -The number of seats available for people to sit.

    The new Parliament building has an increased seating capacity to accommodate more members of parliament.
    संसद के अधिक सदस्यों को समायोजित करने के लिए नए संसद भवन में बैठने की क्षमता में वृद्धि हुई है।

    13. Audio-visual (
    Meaning - Relating to both sound and sight, often referring to electronic media.

    The new Parliament building is equipped with a state-of-the-art audio-visual system to enhance the parliamentary proceedings.
    नया संसद भवन संसदीय कार्यवाही को बढ़ाने के लिए अत्याधुनिक ऑडियो-विजुअल सिस्टम से लैस है।

    14. Sustainability (
    Meaning -The practice of using resources in a way that meets present needs without compromising future generations.

    The green roof of the new Parliament building showcases India's commitment to sustainability and environmental conservation.
    नए संसद भवन की हरी छत स्थिरता और पर्यावरण संरक्षण के प्रति भारत की प्रतिबद्धता को दर्शाती है।

    15. Inauguration (
    Meaning -The formal ceremony or act of introducing or initiating something,

    The inauguration of the new Parliament building is scheduled for next year, with several dignitaries attending the event.
    नए संसद भवन का उद्घाटन अगले वर्ष के लिए निर्धारित है, जिसमें कई गणमान्य व्यक्ति इस कार्यक्रम में भाग लेंगे।

    16. Seat (
    Meaning -A place or position, especially in a legislative or governmental body.

    The members of parliament took their seats in the Lok Sabha chamber to begin the
    संसद के सदस्यों ने सत्र शुरू करने के लिए लोकसभा कक्ष में अपनी सीट ली।

    17. Manifestation (
    Meaning -The act of showing or displaying something clearly.

    The new Parliament building is a physical manifestation of India's democratic institutions and values.
    नया संसद भवन भारत की लोकतांत्रिक संस्थाओं और मूल्यों की भौतिक अभिव्यक्ति है।

    18. Unity (
    Meaning -The state of being united or joined as a whole.

    The new Parliament building symbolizes the unity of the Indian people and their shared democratic ideals.
    नया संसद भवन भारतीय लोगों की एकता और उनके साझा लोकतांत्रिक आदर्शों का प्रतीक है।

    19. Democratic (
    Meaning -a system of government where power lies with the people.

    India is the world's largest democratic country, and the new Parliament building represents its commitment to democratic principles.
    भारत दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा लोकतांत्रिक देश है और नया संसद भवन लोकतांत्रिक सिद्धांतों के प्रति इसकी प्रतिबद्धता को दर्शाता है।

    20. Values (
    Meaning -Principles or beliefs that are considered important or desirable.

    The new Parliament building represents India's core values of justice, equality, and freedom.
    नया संसद भवन भारत के न्याय, समानता और स्वतंत्रता के मूल मूल्यों का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है।


    #2. Synonyms 

    1. Symbolic - Representational, emblematic, figurative

    2. Grandeur - Splendor, magnificence, impressiveness

    3. Modernity - Contemporary, current, up-to-date

    4. Stately - Dignified, majestic, regal

    5. Structure - Framework, construction, edifice

    6. Lok Sabha - Lower house, legislative assembly, parliament

    7. Peacock - National bird, pavo cristatus, colorful bird

    8. Motif - Theme, pattern, design

    9. Beauty - Attractiveness, loveliness, charm

    10. Diversity - Variety, multiplicity, range

    11. Testament - Proof, evidence, confirmation

    12. Impressive - Awe-inspiring, remarkable, striking

    13. Size - Dimension, magnitude, extent

    14. Seating capacity - Sitting arrangement, occupancy limit, seating arrangement

    15. Increased - Enhanced, amplified, augmented

    16. Audio-visual - Multimedia, sound and visual, audio and video

    17. Sustainability - Environmentalism, eco-friendliness, green practices

    18. Inauguration - Opening, launch, commencement

    19. Significance - Importance, meaning, relevance

    20. Captivates - Fascinates, mesmerizes, enchants


    #3. Choose the right word for the given words

    1. What is the meaning of "stately"?

       a) Grand and impressive

       b) Small and unimpressive

       c) Shabby and rundown

       d) Boring and uninteresting


    2. What does the word "manifestation" mean?

       a) Hiding or concealing

       b) Clear display or demonstration

       c) Destruction or demolition

       d) Denial or rejection


    3. What is the synonym for "symbolism"?

       a) Literalness

       b) Realism

       c) Representation

       d) Simplicity


    4. What does the term "inauguration" refer to?

       a) Closing or termination

       b) Expansion or enlargement

       c) Commencement or opening

       d) Removal or dismantling


    5. What is the meaning of "grandeur"?

       a) Simplicity and plainness

       b) Modesty and humility

       c) Splendor and magnificence

       d) Mediocrity and averageness


    6. What is a synonym for "diversity"?

       a) Homogeneity

       b) Uniformity

       c) Variety

       d) Conformity


    7. What does "aspirations" mean?

       a) Doubts and uncertainties

       b) Fears and anxieties

       c) Hopes and ambitions

       d) Disappointments and setbacks


    8. What is the synonym for "sustainability"?

       a) Negligence

       b) Irresponsibility

       c) Environmentalism

       d) Exploitation


    9. What does the term "impressive" mean?

       a) Ordinary and unremarkable

       b) Dull and uninteresting

       c) Awe-inspiring and remarkable

       d) Common and mediocre


    10. What is the meaning of "symbolizes"?

        a) Conceals or hides

        b) Destroys or demolishes

        c) Represents or signifies

        d) Imitates or mimics

    #4. Answers of #3

    1.  a) Grand and impressive

    2.  b) Clear display or demonstration

    3.  c) Representation

    4.  c) Commencement or opening

    5.  c) Splendor and magnificence

    6.  c) Variety

    7.  c) Hopes and ambitions

    8.  c) Environmentalism

    9.  c) Awe-inspiring and remarkable

    10.  c) Represents or signifies

    #5. News

    India's New Parliament: Symbolic Grandeur & Modernity

    A video of the new Parliament building in New Delhi, India, has been released, giving the public a first look at the stately structure. The video shows the Lok Sabha, or lower house of parliament, which is decorated with a peacock motif.

    The peacock is a national symbol of India, and its image is often used to represent the country's beauty and diversity.

    I. A Majestic Structure Reflecting India's Symbolism and Growth

           Lok Sabha chamber showcases a peacock motif, a national symbol of India.

           Peacock represents the country's beauty and diversity.

           New building stands as a testament to India's progress and aspirations.


    II. Impressive Size and Modern Features

           The new building surpasses the existing Parliament House in size.

           Seating capacity increased to accommodate 800 members, compared to 543 in the old building.

           State-of-the-art audio-visual system enhances parliamentary proceedings.

           Green roof showcases a commitment to sustainability and adds visual appeal.


    III. Inauguration and Future Significance

           The new Parliament building scheduled for inauguration in 2024.

           It will serve as the seat of the Indian parliament for many years to come.

           Represents a physical manifestation of India's democratic institutions.

           Symbolizes the nation's progress, unity, and democratic values.



           The new Parliament building in New Delhi captivates with its grandeur and symbolism.

           Lok Sabha chamber adorned with the peacock motif showcases India's diversity.

           The building's modern features and increased capacity highlight India's growth.

           Scheduled for inauguration in 2024, it signifies India's commitment to democracy and sustainability.


    #6. Conversation


    Priya: Have you seen the new Parliament building in New Delhi? A video of it was released recently.

    Rahul: Yes, I saw it! The structure looks so stately and impressive.

    Deepika: Absolutely! Did you notice the Lok Sabha chamber with the peacock motif?

    Priya: Yes, the peacock is a national symbol of India, representing the country's beauty and diversity.

    Rahul: It's amazing how the peacock motif showcases India's rich cultural heritage.

    Deepika: I agree. The new building stands as a testament to India's progress and aspirations.

    Priya: And it's not just about symbolism, the new building's size is quite remarkable too.

    Rahul: Definitely. It surpasses the existing Parliament House in size, reflecting India's growth.

    Deepika: It's fascinating how the seating capacity has been increased to accommodate 800 members.

    Priya: Yes, compared to 543 in the old building, the new one ensures more representation.

    Rahul: That's a significant improvement. I also heard they have state-of-the-art audio-visual systems.

    Deepika: Yes, the enhanced parliamentary proceedings will facilitate better communication and debates.

    Priya: It's commendable that they have also incorporated sustainability with the green roof.

    Rahul: Absolutely. It showcases India's commitment to a greener and more eco-friendly future.

    Deepika: I can't wait for its inauguration in 2024. It will become the seat of our Indian parliament.

    Priya: It's a proud moment for our country, symbolizing our democratic values and unity.

    Rahul: The new Parliament building in New Delhi truly captures the grandeur and spirit of India's progress.


    #7. Answer the following questions : (Know how to ask questions)

    1. What is the national symbol of India showcased in the Lok Sabha chamber?

    Answer: Peacock.


    2. What does the peacock represent?

    Answer: The country's beauty and diversity.


    3. In comparison to the existing Parliament House, how does the new building stand in terms of size?

    Answer: It surpasses the existing Parliament House in size.


    4. How many members can the new building accommodate compared to the old building?

    Answer: 800 members, compared to 543 in the old building.


    5. What is one of the modern features of the new Parliament building?

    Answer: State-of-the-art audio-visual system.


    6. What does the green roof of the new building showcase?

    Answer: A commitment to sustainability.


    7. When is the new Parliament building scheduled for inauguration?

    Answer: 2024.


    8. What will the new building serve as?

    Answer: The seat of the Indian parliament.


    9. What does the new building represent in relation to India's democratic institutions?

    Answer: A physical manifestation.


    10. What does the new building symbolize for the nation?

    Answer: Progress, unity, and democratic values.


    11. What captivates people about the new Parliament building in New Delhi?

    Answer: Its grandeur and symbolism.


    12. What does the peacock motif in the Lok Sabha chamber showcase?

    Answer: India's diversity.


    13. How does the new building highlight India's growth?

    Answer: Through its modern features and increased capacity.


    14. What does the scheduled inauguration of the new Parliament building signify?

    Answer: India's commitment to democracy and sustainability.


    15. What is the Lok Sabha?

    Answer: The lower house of parliament.


    16. What is the peacock often used to represent?

    Answer: The country's beauty and diversity.


    17. What is the significance of the Lok Sabha chamber showcasing a peacock motif?

    Answer: It represents India's national symbol.


    18. How does the new building reflect India's progress and aspirations?

    Answer: It stands as a testament to India's progress and aspirations.


    19. What is one feature of the new building that enhances parliamentary proceedings?

    Answer: The state-of-the-art audio-visual system.


    20. What does the green roof of the new building symbolize?

    Answer: India's commitment to sustainability.

    Tags : english vocabulary words with meaning pdf, vocabulary words with meaning and sentence, a to z vocabulary words with meaning and sentence, english vocabulary words with hindi meaning, English vocabulary words with meaning, translate english to hindi, translate in hindi, translate hindi into English, translate in English, translation english to hindi, translation in hindi, translation hindi into English, translation to English, Hindi-Man, hindiman, hindi man

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