Learn english with help of this story  "The Laboratory" 

Learn english with help of this story  "The Laboratory"

यदि आप सही words का सही जगह इस्तेमाल करना सीखना चाहते हैं या कह लीजिए कि आप English vocabulary सही तरीके से इस्तेमाल करना देखना चाहते हैं, तो आप बिल्कुल सही जगह आएं इस कहानी की मदद से हम english के कुछ words को day to day life में इस्तेमाल करना सीखेंगे

आइए, पहले हम इस कहानी "The Laboratory" को पढ़ने के लिए खुद को तैयार करते हैं इस कहानी में इस्तेमाल होने वाले कुछ words की जानकारी लेंगे उसके बाद कहानी पढ़ेंगे, फिर उसके बाद प्रश्नों को पूछना सीखेंगे और उनका उत्तर देना भी सीखेंगे

    Useful Words

    1. Chilling (द्रुतशीतन)

    Meaning - Causing a feeling of coldness or fear.

    The horror movie was so chilling that it gave me goosebumps.
    हॉरर फिल्म इतनी चिलिंग थी कि इसने मेरे रोंगटे खड़े कर दिए।

    2. Confess (अपराध स्वीकार करना)

    Meaning - Admitting or acknowledging something.

    I had to confess to my mistake and apologize for it.
    मुझे अपनी गलती माननी पड़ी और इसके लिए माफी मांगनी पड़ी।

    3. Curiosity (जिज्ञासा)

    Meaning - A strong desire to know or learn something.

    The new exhibit at the museum piqued my curiosity, so I decided to explore it.
    संग्रहालय में नई प्रदर्शनी ने मेरी जिज्ञासा को बढ़ाया, इसलिए मैंने इसे तलाशने का फैसला किया।

    4. Delightful (रमणीय)

    Meaning - Highly pleasing or enjoyable.

    The sunset view from the beach was absolutely delightful.
    समुद्र तट से सूर्यास्त का दृश्य बिल्कुल रमणीय था।

    5. Dimly (कम रोशनी)

    Meaning - In a way that is not brightly or clearly lit.

    The room was dimly lit, creating a cozy ambiance.
    कमरे में हल्की रोशनी थी, जिससे आरामदायक माहौल बन रहा था।

    6. Eerie (भयानक)

    Meaning - Strange and mysterious, often creating a feeling of fear or unease.

    Walking through the old, abandoned house gave me an eerie sensation.
    पुराने, परित्यक्त घर से गुजरते हुए मुझे एक भयानक अनुभूति हुई।

    7. Enchanting (अद्भुत)

    Meaning - Captivating or charming, often with a touch of magic or beauty.

    The enchanting melody of the violin filled the concert hall.
    वायलिन की मनमोहक धुन से कंसर्ट हॉल भर जाता है।

    8. Exhilarating (रोमांचक)

    Meaning - Making one feel thrilled, excited, or invigorated.

    Riding a roller coaster is an exhilarating experience.
    रोलर कोस्टर की सवारी करना एक रोमांचक अनुभव है।

    9. Flicking (झटका देना)

    Meaning - Making a quick and sudden movement or gesture.

    She flicked the switch to turn on the lights in the room.
    उसने कमरे में रोशनी चालू करने के लिए स्विच को झटका दिया।

    10. Friendly (दोस्ताना)

    Meaning - Showing kindness and warmth toward others.

    Our neighbors are very friendly and always ready to help.
    हमारे पड़ोसी बहुत मिलनसार हैं और हमेशा मदद के लिए तैयार रहते हैं।

    11. Grin (मुसकुराहट)

    Meaning - A broad smile expressing amusement or satisfaction.

    The child's face lit up with a wide grin when she saw her birthday cake.
    बच्चे का चेहरा एक बड़ी मुस्कराहट से खिल उठा, जब उसने अपने जन्मदिन का केक देखा

    12. Imaginative (कल्पनाशील)

    Having a creative and vivid imagination.

    The author's imaginative storytelling transported readers to magical worlds.
    लेखक की कल्पनाशील कहानी पाठकों को जादुई दुनिया में ले जाती है।

    13. Ominous (अमंगल)

    Meaning - Giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is about to happen.

    The dark clouds and thunder were ominous signs of an approaching storm.
    काले बादल और गड़गड़ाहट आने वाले तूफान के अशुभ संकेत थे।

    14. Peculiar (विचित्र)

    Meaning - Strange or unusual, often in a distinctive or particular way.

    The old antique shop had a peculiar smell that reminded me of my grandmother's attic.
    पुरानी प्राचीन वस्तुओं की दुकान में एक अजीबोगरीब गंध थी जो मुझे मेरी दादी की अटारी की याद दिलाती थी।

    15. Relieved (चिंतामुक्त)

    Meaning - Feeling a sense of comfort or ease after a period of worry or stress.

    I was relieved to hear that my flight was not canceled and would depart as scheduled.
    मुझे यह सुनकर राहत मिली कि मेरी उड़ान रद्द नहीं हुई थी और निर्धारित समय के अनुसार प्रस्थान करेगी।

    16. Shivering (कांपना)

    Meaning - Trembling or shaking involuntarily, often due to cold or fear.

    I started shivering as the icy wind blew through the open window.
    जैसे ही खुली खिड़की से बर्फीली हवा चली मैं कांपने लगा।

    17. Startled (चौंकना)

    Meaning - Feeling sudden surprise or alarm.

    The loud bang startled me, causing me to drop the dishes.
    जोरदार धमाके ने मुझे चौंका दिया, जिससे मैं व्यंजन गिराने लगा।

    18. Trespassing (अतिक्रमण)

    Meaning - Illegally entering or accessing someone else's property without permission.

    It is important to respect others' boundaries and avoid trespassing on their land.
    दूसरों की सीमाओं का सम्मान करना और उनकी भूमि पर अतिक्रमण से बचना महत्वपूर्ण है।

    19. Uncover (उजागर)

    Meaning - Revealing or discovering something that was previously hidden or unknown.

    The archaeologists were excited to uncover ancient artifacts buried beneath the ground.
    पुरातत्वविद जमीन के नीचे दबी हुई प्राचीन कलाकृतियों को उजागर करने के लिए उत्साहित थे।

    20. Wonder (आश्चर्य)

    Meaning - A feeling of awe, admiration, or curiosity.

    As I stood on the mountaintop, I couldn't help but wonder at the breathtaking view before me.
    जैसे ही मैं पहाड़ की चोटी पर खड़ा हुआ, मैं अपने सामने लुभावने दृश्य को देखकर आश्चर्यचकित हुए बिना नहीं रह सका।



    1. Village

       Synonyms: Hamlet, Township, Settlement


    2. Girl

       Synonyms: Young woman, Maiden, Lass


    3. Father

       Synonyms: Dad, Papa, Parent


    4. Mysterious

       Synonyms: Enigmatic, Cryptic, Puzzling


    5. Laboratory

       Synonyms: Lab, Research facility, Science center


    6. Locked

       Synonyms: Secured, Bolted, Fastened


    7. Off-limits

       Synonyms: Prohibited, Restricted, Forbidden


    8. Curiosity

       Synonyms: Inquisitiveness, Wonder, Interest


    9. Experiments

       Synonyms: Trials, Tests, Investigations


    10. Startled

        Synonyms: Surprised, Astonished, Jolted


    11. Shivers

        Synonyms: Trembles, Shudders, Quivers


    12. Frightened

        Synonyms: Scared, Terrified, Panicked


    13. Confessed

        Synonyms: Admitted, Disclosed, Revealed


    14. Secrets

        Synonyms: Confidentiality, Mysteries, Enigmas


    15. Trespassing

        Synonyms: Intruding, Violating, Encroaching


    16. Dimly

        Synonyms: Faintly, Gloomily, Murkily


    17. Peculiar

        Synonyms: Strange, Odd, Unusual


    18. Enchanting

        Synonyms: Captivating, Bewitching, Alluring


    19. Ominous

        Synonyms: Menacing, Foreboding, Sinister


    20. Hugged

        Synonyms: Embraced, Squeezed, Clasped



    1. Small - Antonym: Large

    2. Locked - Antonym: Unlocked

    3. Off-limits - Antonym: Accessible

    4. Curiosity - Antonym: Apathy

    5. Exciting - Antonym: Boring

    6. Eerie - Antonym: Comforting

    7. Shivers - Antonym: Calm

    8. Frightened - Antonym: Brave

    9. Apprehensive - Antonym: Confident

    10. Trespassing - Antonym: Permitted

    11. Dimly - Antonym: Brightly

    12. Peculiar - Antonym: Ordinary

    13. Exhilarating - Antonym: Dull

    14. Evil - Antonym: Good

    15. Chilling - Antonym: Comforting

    16. Fear - Antonym: Courage

    17. Discover - Antonym: Conceal

    18. Shivering - Antonym: Sturdy

    19. Ominous - Antonym: Reassuring

    20. Apprehensive - Antonym: Assured


    Choose the right word for the given words :

    1. Mysterious:

       Question: What does the word "mysterious" mean in the story?


       a) Strange

       b) Well-known

       c) Confusing

       d) Exciting


    2. Sanctuary:

       Question: What is the meaning of the word "sanctuary" in the story?


       a) A place of safety or refuge

       b) A laboratory

       c) A secret project

       d) A mysterious doll


    3. Peculiar:

       Question: What does the word "peculiar" mean in the story?


       a) Ordinary

       b) Unusual

       c) Exciting

       d) Frightening


    4. Enchanting:

       Question: What is the meaning of the word "enchanting" in the story?


       a) Scary

       b) Boring

       c) Captivating

       d) Mysterious


    5. Apprehensive:

       Question: What does the word "apprehensive" mean in the story?


       a) Scared

       b) Curious

       c) Brave

       d) Relaxed


    6. Trespassing:

       Question: What is the meaning of the word "trespassing" in the story?


       a) Entering without permission

       b) Investigating

       c) Playing a prank

       d) Exploring


    7. Exhilarating:

       Question: What does the word "exhilarating" mean in the story?


       a) Boring

       b) Exciting

       c) Scary

       d) Confusing


    8. Ominous:

       Question: What is the meaning of the word "ominous" in the story?


       a) Comforting

       b) Reassuring

       c) Menacing

       d) Delightful


    9. Enigma:

       Question: What does the word "enigma" mean in the story?


       a) Mystery

       b) Solution

       c) Obstacle

       d) Surprise


    10. Intrigued:

        Question: What is the meaning of the word "intrigued" in the story?


        a) Bored

        b) Surprised

        c) Interested

        d) Scared


    Answers of MCQs

    1. a) Strange

    2. a) A place of safety or refuge

    3. b) Unusual

    4. c) Captivating

    5. a) Scared

    6. a) Entering without permission

    7. b) Exciting

    8. c) Menacing

    9. a) Mystery

    10. c) Interested



    The Laboratory

    Once upon a time in a small Indian village, there lived a girl named Priya. Her father, Mr. Gupta, had a mysterious laboratory in their home, always locked and off-limits to Priya. She often wondered what secret projects her father worked on inside.

    One night, Priya tiptoed towards the laboratory door, curiosity bubbling inside her. She thought, "I wonder what exciting experiments Papa is conducting in there." Just as she approached the door, a sudden loud noise startled her. It sounded like an eerie laugh, sending shivers down her spine. Frightened, Priya hurriedly retreated to her room.

    The following evening, her best friend, Aisha, came over to Priya's house. Priya couldn't resist sharing her terrifying encounter from the previous night. "It was so scary," Priya confessed.

    A mischievous grin spread across Aisha's face. "Why don't we sneak into the laboratory and uncover the secrets? It'll be an exhilarating adventure!"

    Although Priya felt apprehensive about trespassing into her father's sanctuary, she agreed, enticed by the thrill of the unknown. As luck would have it, when they arrived, the laboratory door was unlocked. "Let's seize this opportunity," Aisha whispered.

    The laboratory was dimly lit, filled with peculiar scents of chemicals. Priya's imagination ran wild, wondering about the extraordinary things her father might be creating. Suddenly, an evil laugh echoed through the room, chilling them to the bone. Fear gripped Priya, and she couldn't help but cry out for help.

    Just in the nick of time, Mr. Gupta rushed into the laboratory, flicking on the lights. "Oh, no," he exclaimed. "You've discovered my secret!"

    Shivering, Priya stammered, "Papa, we heard an evil laugh, like a monster about to attack us!"

    "Monster?" Mr. Gupta chuckled. He revealed a beautiful Indian doll in his hands, its laughter ringing out, now sounding friendly and inviting. "I was creating this doll for your upcoming birthday, my dear Priya. But I couldn't wait to surprise you. I hope you like it!"

    Relief flooded over Priya as she realized the harmless truth behind her father's mysterious experiments. Overjoyed, she hugged her father tightly, grateful for the special gift he had crafted just for her. The once-ominous laboratory transformed into a place of wonder and enchantment, where secrets held delightful surprises for Priya and her loving father.



    Here's a conversation involving three characters with Priya, Aisha, and Rohan.


    Priya: (Excitedly) Aisha, you won't believe what happened last night! I heard a strange laugh coming from my father's locked laboratory.


    Aisha: (Curiously) Really, Priya? That sounds thrilling! What do you think your father is up to in there?


    Priya: (Whispering) I have no idea, but it must be something exciting. I couldn't resist the temptation and almost sneaked in last night.


    Rohan: (Entering the conversation) What's going on, girls? I heard you talking about a mysterious laboratory.


    Priya: (Nervously) Rohan, you won't believe it! I heard this eerie laugh, and it scared me so much.


    Aisha: (Mischievously) Priya and I were just discussing how we should uncover the secrets of the laboratory. It would be such an exhilarating adventure!


    Rohan: (Concerned) Trespassing into your father's sanctuary? Are you sure about that, Priya?


    Priya: (Hesitant) I was apprehensive at first, but the thrill of the unknown got the better of me. And guess what, when we reached the laboratory, the door was unlocked!


    Aisha: (Excitedly) It was the perfect opportunity, Rohan. We couldn't resist stepping inside.


    Rohan: (Intrigued) And what did you find inside the laboratory?


    Priya: (Whispering) It was dimly lit, with peculiar scents of chemicals. My imagination went wild, imagining the extraordinary things my father might be creating.


    Aisha: (Interrupting) Suddenly, we heard this evil laugh echoing through the room, and we were frozen with fear. Priya couldn't help but cry out for help.


    Rohan: (Surprised) That sounds terrifying! What happened next?


    Priya: (Relieved) Just in the nick of time, my father rushed in and turned on the lights. He revealed a beautiful Indian doll in his hands, laughing friendly and inviting.


    Aisha: (Grinning) Turns out, he was creating the doll as a surprise birthday gift for Priya. The once-ominous laboratory transformed into a place of wonder and enchantment.


    Rohan: (Smiling) That's amazing! Priya, your father's secret turned out to be such a delightful surprise.


    Priya: (Happily) It truly was, Rohan. I'm so grateful for the special gift my father crafted just for me. The laboratory holds so many delightful surprises now.


    This fictional conversation involves Priya, Aisha, and Rohan discussing the mysterious laboratory and the surprising turn of events they encountered inside.


    Answer the following questions : (Know how to ask questions)

    1. What is the name of the girl in the story?

    Answer: Priya.


    2. Whose laboratory was off-limits to Priya?

    Answer: Mr. Gupta's.


    3. What did Priya hear near the laboratory door?

    Answer: An eerie laugh.


    4. Who suggested sneaking into the laboratory?

    Answer: Aisha, Priya's best friend.


    5. What did Priya find when they reached the laboratory?

    Answer: The door was unlocked.


    6. How was the laboratory lit?

    Answer: It was dimly lit.


    7. What kind of scents filled the laboratory?

    Answer: Peculiar scents of chemicals.


    8. Who entered the laboratory just in time?

    Answer: Mr. Gupta, Priya's father.


    9. What did Mr. Gupta reveal in his hands?

    Answer: A beautiful Indian doll.


    10. What kind of laugh did Priya and Aisha hear in the laboratory?

    Answer: An evil laugh.


    11. What was Mr. Gupta creating the doll for?

    Answer: Priya's upcoming birthday.


    12. What did the doll's laughter sound like after the lights were turned on?

    Answer: Friendly and inviting.


    13. How did Priya feel after realizing the truth?

    Answer: Relief flooded over her.


    14. Who did Priya hug tightly?

    Answer: Her father, Mr. Gupta.


    15. What did Priya's father hope she would like?

    Answer: The doll he had crafted.


    16. What did the laboratory transform into for Priya and her father?

    Answer: A place of wonder and enchantment.


    17. Who did Priya share her terrifying encounter with?

    Answer: Aisha, her best friend.


    18. What did Aisha suggest they do after hearing Priya's encounter?

    Answer: Sneak into the laboratory.


    19. What did Priya and Aisha expect to find in the laboratory?

    Answer: Extraordinary things created by Mr. Gupta.


    20. How did Priya feel about her father's secret experiments in the end?

    Answer: Grateful and delighted.



    Word Building

    1. From adjectives to verbs

    1. Mysterious (रहस्यमय, rahasyamay) - Verb: Uncover (खोलना, kholna)

       Example sentence:

       - Adjective: The mysterious laboratory intrigued Priya.

       - Verb: Priya decided to uncover the secrets hidden in her father's laboratory.


    2. Terrifying (भयानक, bhayanak) - Verb: Startle (डराना, darana)

       Example sentence:

       - Adjective: The terrifying sound made Priya shiver.

       - Verb: The sudden loud noise startled Priya when she approached the laboratory door.


    3. Exhilarating (उत्साहजनक, utsaahjanak) - Verb: Seize (दबोचना, dabochana)

       Example sentence:

       - Adjective: Aisha found the idea of sneaking into the laboratory exhilarating.

       - Verb: Aisha whispered to Priya to seize the opportunity and enter the laboratory.


    4. Peculiar (अजीब, ajeeb) - Verb: Wonder (हैरान होना, hairan hona)

       Example sentence:

       - Adjective: The laboratory was filled with peculiar scents of chemicals.

       - Verb: Priya wondered about the extraordinary things her father might be creating.


    5. Enchanting (मोहक, mohak) - Verb: Craft (बनाना, banana)

       Example sentence:

       - Adjective: The doll's laughter sounded enchanting to Priya.

       - Verb: Mr. Gupta crafted a beautiful Indian doll as a special gift for Priya.


    Please note that the verbs provided are suitable for the given context, but they may have different meanings or translations in other contexts.


    2. From nouns to verbs

    (i) Laboratory (Hindi: प्रयोगशाला)

    Verb: Lab (Hindi: प्रयोगशाला में काम करना)

    Example sentence (Noun): The scientists conducted experiments in the laboratory.

    Example sentence (Verb): He loves to lab and explore new ideas.


    (ii) Curiosity (Hindi: जिज्ञासा)

    Verb: Curious (Hindi: जिज्ञासु होना)

    Example sentence (Noun): His curiosity led him to explore the ancient ruins.

    Example sentence (Verb): I am curious to know what lies behind that closed door.


    (iii) Apprehension (Hindi: आशंका)

    Verb: Apprehend (Hindi: आशंकित होना)

    Example sentence (Noun): She felt a sense of apprehension before her big presentation.

    Example sentence (Verb): The police managed to apprehend the suspect after a long chase.


    (iv) Surprise (Hindi: आश्चर्य)

    Verb: Surprise (Hindi: आश्चर्यचकित करना)

    Example sentence (Noun): The birthday party was full of surprises.

    Example sentence (Verb): I want to surprise my friend with a special gift.


    (v) Enchantment (Hindi: मोह)

    Verb: Enchant (Hindi: मोहित करना)

    Example sentence (Noun): The magic show left the audience in a state of enchantment.

    Example sentence (Verb): The beautiful song enchanted everyone who listened to it.


    3. From verbs to nouns

    (i) Tiptoe (Hindi verb: आहिस्ताहिस्ता चलना)

    Noun: Tiptoeing (Hindi noun: आहिस्ताहिस्ता चलन)

    Example sentence (Verb): She tiptoed towards the door to avoid making noise.

    Example sentence (Noun): She moved with tiptoeing to maintain silence.


    (ii) Startle (Hindi verb: झटका देना)

    Noun: Startle (Hindi noun: झटका)

    Example sentence (Verb): The loud noise startled the cat.

    Example sentence (Noun): He experienced a startle when the fireworks exploded.


    (iii) Entice (Hindi verb: प्रलोभित करना)

    Noun: Enticement (Hindi noun: प्रलोभन)

    Example sentence (Verb): The advertisement was designed to entice customers to buy the product.

    Example sentence (Noun): The promise of a reward served as an enticement for participation.


    (iv) Seize (Hindi verb: पकड़ना)

    Noun: Seizure (Hindi noun: पकड़)

    Example sentence (Verb): The police officer managed to seize the criminal before he escaped.

    Example sentence (Noun): The seizure of illegal goods led to multiple arrests.


    (v) Transform (Hindi verb: बदलना)

    Noun: Transformation (Hindi noun: परिवर्तन)

    Example sentence (Verb): The caterpillar transforms into a butterfly.

    Example sentence (Noun): His journey led to a remarkable transformation in his personality.


    4. From adjectives to nouns

    (i) Mysterious (Hindi adjective: रहस्यमय)

    Noun: Mystery (Hindi noun: रहस्य)

    Example sentence (Adjective): The mysterious book kept me captivated until the end.

    Example sentence (Noun): The detective was determined to solve the mystery surrounding the crime.


    (ii) Terrifying (Hindi adjective: भयानक)

    Noun: Terror (Hindi noun: आतंक)

    Example sentence (Adjective): The horror movie was terrifying, causing screams in the theater.

    Example sentence (Noun): The citizens lived in constant terror due to the presence of a dangerous criminal.


    (iii) Exhilarating (Hindi adjective: उत्साहजनक)

    Noun: Exhilaration (Hindi noun: उमंग)

    Example sentence (Adjective): Skydiving can be an exhilarating experience, giving a sense of thrill.

    Example sentence (Noun): The victory brought a feeling of exhilaration to the team and their fans.


    (iv) Ominous (Hindi adjective: अमंगलकारी)

    Noun: Omen (Hindi noun: शकुन)

    Example sentence (Adjective): The dark clouds and thunder were ominous signs of an approaching storm.

    Example sentence (Noun): The black cat crossing the path was considered an omen of bad luck.


    (v) Delightful (Hindi adjective: प्रियंकर)

    Noun: Delight (Hindi noun: प्रियंकरता)

    Example sentence (Adjective): The garden was filled with delightful flowers in vibrant colors.

    Example sentence (Noun): The children's laughter brought immense delight to their parents.


    5. From nouns to adjectives

    (i) Laboratory (Hindi noun: प्रयोगशाला)

    Adjective: Laboratory (Hindi adjective: प्रयोगशालिक)

    Example sentence (Noun): The scientist conducted experiments in the laboratory.

    Example sentence (Adjective): The laboratory equipment was essential for conducting scientific research.


    (ii) Secret (Hindi noun: गुप्त)

    Adjective: Secret (Hindi adjective: गुप्त)

    Example sentence (Noun): The spy revealed the secret to his trusted ally.

    Example sentence (Adjective): They discussed their secret plan in hushed voices.


    (iii) Adventure (Hindi noun: साहसिक कार्यक्रम)

    Adjective: Adventurous (Hindi adjective: साहसिक)

    Example sentence (Noun): They embarked on an exciting adventure through the dense forest.

    Example sentence (Adjective): The adventurous travelers explored remote and uncharted territories.


    (iv) Apprehension (Hindi noun: आंदेश)

    Adjective: Apprehensive (Hindi adjective: चिंताग्रस्त)

    Example sentence (Noun): The student felt apprehension before taking the challenging exam.

    Example sentence (Adjective): She was apprehensive about the outcome of the interview.


    (v) Surprise (Hindi noun: आश्चर्य)

    Adjective: Surprising (Hindi adjective: अचरजनीय)

    Example sentence (Noun): The birthday gift was a delightful surprise for her.

    Example sentence (Adjective): He had a surprising talent for playing the piano.


    6. From verbs to adjectives

    (i) Tiptoed (Hindi verb: सराहना करना)

    Adjective: Tiptoeing (Hindi adjective: सराहना करने वाला)

    Example sentence (Verb): She tiptoed through the room to avoid waking anyone up.

    Example sentence (Adjective): The tiptoeing figure moved silently in the dark hallway.


    (ii) Bubbling (Hindi verb: उबलना)

    Adjective: Bubbling (Hindi adjective: उबलता हुआ)

    Example sentence (Verb): The water in the pot started bubbling as it reached boiling point.

    Example sentence (Adjective): The bubbling lava flowed down the volcano's slopes.


    (iii) Hurriedly (Hindi verb: जल्दबाज़ी से)

    Adjective: Hurried (Hindi adjective: जल्दबाज़)

    Example sentence (Verb): They hurriedly packed their bags before catching the train.

    Example sentence (Adjective): The hurried pace of the students indicated an upcoming exam.


    (iv) Spread (Hindi verb: फैलाना)

    Adjective: Spreading (Hindi adjective: फैलता हुआ)

    Example sentence (Verb): She spread the picnic blanket on the grassy field.

    Example sentence (Adjective): The spreading branches of the tree provided shade from the sun.


    (v) Gripped (Hindi verb: पकड़ना)

    Adjective: Gripping (Hindi adjective: पकड़ने वाला)

    Example sentence (Verb): Fear gripped her as she watched the horror movie.

    Example sentence (Adjective): The gripping storyline of the novel kept readers engaged until the end.


    7. From adjectives to adverbs

    (i) Mysterious (Hindi adjective: रहस्यमय)

    Adjective: Mysteriously (Hindi adverb: रहस्यमयता से)

    Example sentence (Adjective): The book contained a mysterious code.

    Example sentence (Adverb): The magician disappeared mysteriously into thin air.


    (ii) Terrifying (Hindi adjective: भयानक)

    Adjective: Terrifyingly (Hindi adverb: भयानकता से)

    Example sentence (Adjective): The horror movie was terrifying.

    Example sentence (Adverb): The thunder roared terrifyingly loud.


    (iii) Mischievous (Hindi adjective: नखरेबाज़)

    Adjective: Mischievously (Hindi adverb: नखरेबाज़ी से)

    Example sentence (Adjective): The mischievous child played pranks on his siblings.

    Example sentence (Adverb): The cat mischievously knocked over the vase.


    (iv) Apprehensive (Hindi adjective: चिंताजनक)

    Adjective: Apprehensively (Hindi adverb: चिंताजनकता से)

    Example sentence (Adjective): She was apprehensive about taking the exam.

    Example sentence (Adverb): He approached the stage apprehensively, unsure of his performance.


    (v) Ominous (Hindi adjective: अशुभ)

    Adjective: Ominously (Hindi adverb: अशुभता से)

    Example sentence (Adjective): The dark clouds were ominous, foretelling a storm.

    Example sentence (Adverb): The stranger's gaze lingered ominously on her.


    Other Useful Words

    1. adventure (साहसिक कार्य)
    Meaning - An adventure is a fun or exciting thing that you do.

    I'm planning an adventure trip to the mountains next weekend.
    मैं अगले सप्ताह के अंत में पहाड़ों की एक साहसिक यात्रा की योजना बना रहा हूँ।

    2. approach (
    समीप आना)
    Meaning - To approach something means to move close to it.

    Example :
    The boy approached his school.
    लड़का अपने स्कूल के पास पहुंचा।

    3. carefully (
    सावधानी से)
    Meaning - Carefully means with great attention, especially to detail or safety.

    Example :
    The baby carefully climbed down the stairs.
    बच्चा सावधानी से सीढ़ियों से नीचे उतरा।

    4. chemical (
    Meaning - A chemical is something that scientists use in chemistry.

    Example :
    The scientist mixed the chemicals.
    वैज्ञानिक ने रसायन मिलाया।

    5. create (
    Meaning - To create means to make something new.

    Example :
    She created an igloo from blocks of snow.
    उसने बर्फ के ब्लॉक से इग्लू बनाया।

    6. evil (
    Meaning - Evil describes something or someone bad or cruel, not good.

    Example :
    The evil figure scared us all.
    दुष्ट आकृति ने हम सभी को डरा दिया।

    7. experiment (
    Meaning - An experiment is a test that you do to see what will happen.

    Example :
    The student did an experiment in science class.
    छात्र ने विज्ञान वर्ग में एक प्रयोग किया।

    8. kill (
    Meaning - To kill someone or something is to make them die.

    Example :
    I killed the fly with a fly swatter.
    मैंने फ्लाई स्वैटर से मक्खी को मार डाला।

    9. laboratory (
    Meaning - A laboratory is a room where a scientist works.

    Example :
    My mother works in a laboratory.
    मेरी माँ एक प्रयोगशाला में काम करती हैं।

    10. laugh (
    Meaning - Laugh is the sound made when someone is happy or a funny thing occurs

    Example :
    The sound of their laugh filled the room.
    उनकी हंसी की आवाज से कमरा भर गया।

    11. loud (
    ऊँचा स्वर)
    Meaning - If a sound is loud, it is strong and very easy to hear.

    Example :
    The man's voice was so loud that we all could hear him.
    उस आदमी की आवाज इतनी तेज थी कि हम सब उसे सुन सकते थे।

    12. nervous (
    घबराया हुआ)
    Meaning - When a person is nervous, they think something bad will happen.

    Example :
    The boy became nervous when he heard the news.
    खबर सुनते ही लड़का घबरा गया।

    13. noise (
    Meaning - A noise is an unpleasant sound.

    Example :
    The crying baby made a loud noise.
    रोते हुए बच्चे ने तेज आवाज की।

    14. project (
    Meaning - A project is a type of work that you do for school or a job.

    Example :
    His afternoon work project was to paint the room green.
    उनकी दोपहर की कार्य परियोजना कमरे को हरे रंग में रंगने की थी।

    15. scare (
    Meaning - To scare someone is to make them feel afraid.

    Example :
    My uncle was scared by what he saw in the room.
    कमरे में जो देखा उससे चाचा डर गए।

    16. secret (
    Meaning - A secret is something that you do not tell other people.

    Example :
    The two boys were sharing a secret.
    दोनों लड़के एक राज़ साझा कर रहे थे।

    17. shout (
    Meaning - To shout is to say something loudly.

    Example :
    My boss shouted at me because I was late for work.
    मेरे बॉस ने मुझ पर चिल्लाया क्योंकि मैं काम के लिए लेट हो गया था।

    18. smell (
    Meaning - To smell something means to use your nose to sense it.

    Example :
    The two friends smelled the flower.
    दोनों मित्रों ने फूल की सुगंध ली।

    19. terrible (
    Meaning - If something is terrible, it is very bad.

    Example :
    The way he treated his classmate was terrible.
    जिस तरह से उसने अपने सहपाठी के साथ व्यवहार किया वह भयानक था।

    20. worse (
    ज़्यादा बुरा)
    Meaning - If something is worse, it is of poorer quality than another thing.

    Example :
    Business was worse this month than last month.
    पिछले महीने की तुलना में इस महीने कारोबार खराब रहा।

    Tags : daily use vocabulary words with meaning, impressive vocabulary words, english vocabulary words with meaning in hindi, english vocabulary words pdf, translate english to hindi, translate in hindi, translate hindi into English, translate in English, translation english to hindi, translation in hindi, translation hindi into English, translation to English, Hindi-Man, hindiman, hindi man