Breaking Bad Habits with Mindfulness : A Journey to Self-Transformation

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Breaking Bad Habits with Mindfulness : A Journey to Self-Transformation

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यदि आप सही words का सही जगह इस्तेमाल करना सीखना चाहते हैं या कह लीजिए कि आप English vocabulary सही तरीके से इस्तेमाल करना सीखना चाहते हैं, तो आप बिल्कुल सही जगह आएं । इस article की मदद से हम english के कुछ words को day to day life में इस्तेमाल करना सीखेंगे ।

आइए, पहले हम इस 
article "Breaking Bad Habits with Mindfulness : A Journey to Self-Transformation" को पढ़ने के लिए खुद को तैयार करते हैं । इस article में इस्तेमाल होने वाले कुछ words की जानकारी लेंगे । उसके बाद article पढ़ेंगे जोकि English में है, फिर उसके बाद प्रश्नों को पूछना सीखेंगे और उनका उत्तर देना भी सीखेंगे ।

    H1 : Useful Words

    1. Shaping (आकार देने का कार्य)
    Meaning: influencing or molding

    Example sentence:
    Parents play a crucial role in shaping their children's values and behaviors.
    माता-पिता अपने बच्चों के मूल्यों और व्यवहारों को आकार देने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं।

    2. Hindering (
    Meaning: obstructing or impeding progress

    Example sentence:
    Procrastination is a habit that can hinder productivity and success.
    प्रोक्रैस्टिनेशन एक आदत है जो उत्पादकता और सफलता में बाधा बन सकती है।

    3. Unaware (
    Meaning: lacking knowledge or consciousness about something

    Example sentence:
    She was unaware of the consequences her actions would have on her relationships.
    वह इस बात से अनजान थी कि उसके कार्यों का उसके रिश्तों पर क्या प्रभाव पड़ेगा।

    4. Excessive (
    Meaning: going beyond what is normal or necessary

    Example sentence:
    Excessive consumption of sugary drinks can lead to health problems like obesity and diabetes.
    शक्कर युक्त पेय के अत्यधिक सेवन से मोटापा और मधुमेह जैसी स्वास्थ्य समस्याएं हो सकती हैं।

    5. Cravings (
    Meaning: intense desires or longings

    Example sentence:
    I often have cravings for chocolate when I'm feeling stressed or anxious.
    जब मैं तनावग्रस्त या चिंतित महसूस कर रहा होता हूं तो मुझे अक्सर चॉकलेट खाने की इच्छा होती है।

    6. Detach (
    अलग करना)
    Meaning: disconnect or separate from something meaning

    Example sentence:
    It's important to detach yourself from negative influences to maintain a healthy mindset.
    स्वस्थ मानसिकता बनाए रखने के लिए नकारात्मक प्रभावों से खुद को अलग करना महत्वपूर्ण है।

    7. Transformation (
    Meaning: a complete change or conversion

    Example sentence:
    Yoga has brought about a transformation in her physical and mental well-being.
    योग ने उनके शारीरिक और मानसिक स्वास्थ्य में बदलाव लाया है।

    8. Obscured (
    Meaning: hidden or concealed

    Example sentence:
    The fog obscured our view of the mountains, making it difficult to see the scenery.
    कोहरे ने पहाड़ों के हमारे दृश्य को अस्पष्ट कर दिया, जिससे दृश्यों को देखना मुश्किल हो गया।

    9. Validation (
    Meaning: recognition or affirmation of worth or value

    Example sentence:
    It's important to seek validation from within rather than relying solely on external sources.
    महत्वपूर्ण है कि आप बाहरी स्रोतों पर निर्भरता के स्थान पर अपने अंदर से मान्यता की तलाश करें।

    10. anxiety (
    व्याकुलता, चिंता)
    Meaning : a feeling of worry, nervousness.

    Example sentence:
    I couldn't sleep last night due to my anxiety about the upcoming job interview.
    मैं आगामी नौकरी के साक्षात्कार के बारे में अपनी चिंता के कारण कल रात सो नहीं सका।

    11. Embark (
    प्रारंभ करना)
    Meaning: to start or begin a journey or project

    Example :
    They decided to embark on a road trip across the country during their summer vacation.
    उन्होंने अपनी गर्मी की छुट्टी के दौरान देश भर में एक सड़क यात्रा शुरू करने का फैसला किया।

    12. Expedite (
    शीघ्रता करना)
    Meaning: to speed up or accelerate

    Example sentence:
    The company hired additional staff to expedite the production process and meet the deadline.
    कंपनी ने उत्पादन प्रक्रिया में तेजी लाने और समय सीमा को पूरा करने के लिए अतिरिक्त कर्मचारियों को नियुक्त किया।

    13. Obsession (
    Meaning: an excessive preoccupation or fixation on something

    Example sentence:
    Her obsession with cleanliness led her to spend hours every day cleaning and organizing her house.
    स्वच्छता के प्रति उसके जुनून ने उसे हर दिन अपने घर की सफाई और आयोजन में घंटों बिताने के लिए प्रेरित किया।

    14. Calm (
    Meaning: peaceful or free from agitation

    Example :
    Taking deep breaths and practicing meditation helps me stay calm during stressful situations.
    गहरी सांसें लेने और ध्यान का अभ्यास करने से मुझे तनावपूर्ण स्थितियों में शांत रहने में मदद मिलती है।

    15. Creativity (
    Meaning: the ability to generate new ideas or express oneself in an original way

    Example sentence:
    The art class encourages students to explore their creativity and experiment with different mediums.
    कला वर्ग छात्रों को उनकी रचनात्मकता का पता लगाने और विभिन्न माध्यमों के साथ प्रयोग करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित करता है।

    16. Procrastination (
    Meaning: delaying or postponing tasks or actions

    Example :
    I have a tendency to procrastinate on assignments, which often leads to unnecessary stress.
    मेरे पास असाइनमेंट पर टालमटोल करने की प्रवृत्ति है, जो अक्सर अनावश्यक तनाव का कारण बनती है।

    17. Resilience (
    Meaning: the ability to bounce back from setbacks or adversity

    Example sentence:
    Developing resilience is important in facing challenges and overcoming obstacles in life.
    जीवन में चुनौतियों का सामना करने और बाधाओं पर काबू पाने के लिए लचीलापन विकसित करना महत्वपूर्ण है।

    18. Perspective (
    Meaning: a particular way of viewing or understanding something

    Example sentence:
    Traveling to different countries gave her a broader perspective on different cultures and lifestyles.
    विभिन्न देशों की यात्रा ने उन्हें विभिन्न संस्कृतियों और जीवन शैली पर व्यापक दृष्टिकोण दिया।

    19. Mindfulness(
    Meaning: the practice of being fully present and aware of the present moment

    Example sentence:
    Mindfulness meditation has helped me reduce stress and improve my overall well-being.
    मनोध्यान (Mindfulness meditation) ने मेरी तनाव को कम करने और मेरे सामान्य कल्याण को सुधारने में मदद की है।

    20. Self-doubt (
    आत्म संदेह)
    Meaning: lack of confidence or belief in oneself

    Example sentence:
    Overcoming self-doubt is essential for personal growth and pursuing one's goals.
    व्यक्तिगत विकास और अपने लक्ष्यों का पीछा करने के लिए आत्म-संदेह पर काबू पाना आवश्यक है।

    H2 : Synonyms

    1. Shaping - synonyms: molding, influencing, forming

    2. Hindering - synonyms: impeding, obstructing, hampering

    3. Unaware - synonyms: ignorant, oblivious, uninformed

    4. Excessive - synonyms: extreme, immoderate, extravagant

    5. Cravings - synonyms: desires, longings, yearnings

    6. Detach - synonyms: disconnect, separate, disengage

    7. Transformation - synonyms: metamorphosis, change, conversion

    8. Obscured - synonyms: concealed, hidden, veiled

    9. Validation - synonyms: confirmation, verification, authentication

    10. Cravings - synonyms: appetites, hankerings, lusts

    11. Embark - synonyms: commence, start, initiate

    12. Expedite - synonyms: accelerate, hasten, quicken

    13. Obsession - synonyms: fixation, preoccupation, infatuation

    14. Calm - synonyms: peaceful, serene, tranquil

    15. Creativity - synonyms: imagination, inventiveness, originality

    16. Procrastination - synonyms: delay, dawdling, postponement

    17. Resilience - synonyms: endurance, fortitude, perseverance

    18. Perspective - synonyms: viewpoint, outlook, standpoint

    19. Mindfulness - synonyms: awareness, attentiveness, consciousness

    20. Self-doubt - synonyms: uncertainty, insecurity, lack of confidence


    H3 : Choose the right word for the given words :

    1. What does the word "detaching" mean in the given context?

       a) Bonding

       b) Separating

       c) Connecting

       d) Assimilating


    2. What is the meaning of the word "transformation" as used in the article?

       a) Stagnation

       b) Evolution

       c) Regression

       d) Confirmation


    3. What does the term "preoccupation" signify in the article?

       a) Distraction

       b) Negligence

       c) Obsession

       d) Indifference


    4. How would you define the word "excessive" in the given context?

       a) Limited

       b) Moderate

       c) Abundant

       d) Balanced


    5. What is the meaning of the word "cravings" as used in the article?

       a) Aversions

       b) Desires

       c) Indifferences

       d) Satisfactions


    6. What does the term "unaware" indicate in the article?

       a) Knowledgeable

       b) Conscious

       c) Informed

       d) Ignorant


    7. How would you define the word "obscured" in the given context?

       a) Revealed

       b) Hidden

       c) Evident

       d) Transparent


    8. What is the meaning of the word "pleasure" as used in the article?

       a) Agony

       b) Displeasure

       c) Enjoyment

       d) Suffering


    9. What does the term "dwells" signify in the article?

       a) Forgets

       b) Travels

       c) Resides

       d) Escapes


    10. How would you define the word "oblivious" in the given context?

        a) Aware

        b) Inattentive

        c) Mindful

        d) Focused


    H4 : Answer of H3

    1.  b) Separating

    2.  b) Evolution

    3.  c) Obsession

    4. c) Abundant

    5.  b) Desires

    6. d) Ignorant

    7. b) Hidden

    8. c) Enjoyment

    9. c) Resides

    10. b) Inattentive


    H5 : Motivational story

    Breaking Bad Habits with Mindfulness : A Journey to Self-Transformation



    ·        Habits play a significant role in our lives, shaping our experiences and outcomes.

    ·        Good habits lead to productivity and well-being, while bad habits hinder our progress.

    ·        Often, we are unaware of the bad habits that are causing our failures and unhappiness.

    ·        External habits like smoking, excessive gaming, overspending, and excessive TV watching are easy to identify as bad habits.

    ·        However, the true bad habits are internal, which fuel and create external negative habits.

    ·        Identifying these internal habits is the first step towards transformation.

    ·        In this article, we will explore these bad habits and discover how to quit them using mindfulness.


    Understanding How Our Mind Works:


    ·        Our mind is a powerful tool that influences our emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.

    ·        Its primary function is to ensure our survival by generating fear in the face of threats and excitement in the presence of opportunities.

    ·        Our mind perceives activities that bring pleasure as beneficial for survival and those that evoke fear and stress as negative.

    ·        However, it doesn't differentiate actions based on their actual impact on our well-being.

    ·        The mind is driven by immediate pleasure rather than long-term benefits.

    ·        This leads us to engage in activities like playing video games, eating junk food, or avoiding exercise, which provide instant gratification.

    ·        Repetition of these pleasurable activities deepens our cravings and can eventually lead to addiction.


    The Cause of Bad Habits:


    ·        Merely quitting external habits like gaming or smoking won't solve the problem permanently.

    ·        To break free from bad habits, we must understand their root cause.

    ·        The unconscious attachment to the mind is the cause of bad habits.

    ·        Our false self-image created by the mind is responsible for pain, fear, anxiety, and stress.

    ·        True transformation occurs when we detach ourselves from the mind's influence.

    ·        The mind is skeptical of our true self as it is unknown and unfamiliar.

    ·        By identifying and detaching from the mind, we embark on a journey towards freedom and happiness.


    The Difference Between Happiness and Pleasure:


    ·        Pleasure is derived from external sources like material wealth, achievements, and indulgences.

    ·        Pleasure is temporary and dependent on external circumstances.

    ·        Happiness, on the other hand, comes from within and doesn't require external validation.

    ·        Our true self is already happy, but it gets obscured by the mind's false representation.

    ·        Understanding the difference between pleasure and happiness can expedite our transformation.


    Why the Mind is the Cause of Our Bad Habits:


    ·        The mind constantly dwells in the future and the past, unable to fully embrace the present.

    ·        Its main concern is survival, leading to a preoccupation with securing our future.

    ·        The mind convinces us that success, money, and relationships are crucial for our well-being.

    ·        However, it's our attachment and cravings for these things that cause problems.

    ·        The mind imagines an ideal future self, constantly striving for more security and success.

    ·        When we fail to meet these expectations, stress, worry, and self-doubt arise.

    ·        In pursuit of escapism, we develop short-term pleasure-seeking habits that become addictive.

    ·        Breaking free from the mind's grip is the key to quitting bad habits permanently.


    Discovering Your True Self:


    ·        Our true self is calm, connected to the present moment, and a source of limitless energy, peace, joy, and creativity.

    ·        It exists beyond the mind's influence and doesn't dwell in the past or future.

    ·        Living in the moment allows us to tap into our true self and make decisions based on the present.

    ·        However, detaching from the mind and becoming aware of the present is not easy.

    ·        The mind resists losing its identity and creates doubt, frustration



    H6 : Answer the following questions : (Know how to ask questions)

    1. What role do habits play in our lives?

    Answer: Habits play a significant role in shaping our experiences and outcomes.


    2. What are the outcomes of good habits?

    Answer: Good habits lead to productivity and well-being.


    3. What is the first step towards transformation?

    Answer: Identifying internal habits is the first step towards transformation.


    4. What are some examples of external bad habits?

    Answer: Smoking, excessive gaming, overspending, and excessive TV watching.


    5. What is the primary function of our mind?

    Answer: The primary function of our mind is to ensure our survival.


    6. How does the mind perceive activities that bring pleasure?

    Answer: The mind perceives activities that bring pleasure as beneficial for survival.


    7. What does the mind prioritize, immediate pleasure or long-term benefits?

    Answer: The mind is driven by immediate pleasure rather than long-term benefits.


    8. What can repetition of pleasurable activities lead to?

    Answer: Repetition of pleasurable activities can deepen cravings and eventually lead to addiction.


    9. What is the cause of bad habits according to the article?

    Answer: The unconscious attachment to the mind is the cause of bad habits.


    10. What is the difference between pleasure and happiness?

    Answer: Pleasure is temporary and dependent on external circumstances, while happiness comes from within.


    11. What is the mind preoccupied with?

    Answer: The mind is preoccupied with securing our future.


    12. What does the mind convince us about success, money, and relationships?

    Answer: The mind convinces us that they are crucial for our well-being.


    13. What causes stress, worry, and self-doubt?

    Answer: Failing to meet the mind's expectations causes stress, worry, and self-doubt.


    14. What is the key to quitting bad habits permanently?

    Answer: Breaking free from the mind's grip is the key to quitting bad habits permanently.


    15. What characteristics define our true self?

    Answer: Calmness, connection to the present moment, and a source of limitless energy, peace, joy, and creativity.


    16. Where does our true self exist?

    Answer: Our true self exists beyond the mind's influence and doesn't dwell in the past or future.


    17. How does living in the moment help us tap into our true self?

    Answer: Living in the moment allows us to tap into our true self and make decisions based on the present.


    18. Is detaching from the mind and becoming aware of the present easy or difficult?

    Answer: It is not easy; detaching from the mind and becoming aware of the present is difficult.


    19. What does the mind resist losing?

    Answer: The mind resists losing its identity.


    20. What does the mind create when detaching from its influence?

    Answer: The mind creates doubt and frustration when detaching from its influence.

    Tags : breaking bad habits with mindfulness, mindfulness and breaking bad habits, journey to break bad habits, breaking unhealthy habits with mindfulness, breaking patterns of bad habits, habit reversal therapy and mindfulness, creative ways to break bad habits, mindful approach to breaking bad habits, strategies for breaking bad habits, developing mindful practices to break bad habits, mindful techniques for breaking bad habits

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