20 usage of "OBSCURED" in the day to day life sentences

English speaking | english grammar | English Vocabulary | hindi english translation | hindi man

1. The fog obscured the view of the mountains.

2. The tall buildings obscured the sunlight in the narrow street.

3. His hat obscured his face, making it difficult to recognize him.

4. The heavy rain obscured the road signs, causing confusion for drivers.

5. The dense foliage obscured the trail, making it challenging to navigate.

6. The misty weather obscured the distant shoreline.

7. The thick curtains obscured the view of the street from inside the house.

8. The dust on the window obscured the clarity of the view outside.

9. The photographer used a filter to intentionally obscure certain details in the photograph.

10. The foggy windshield obscured his vision while driving.

11. The thick crowd at the concert obscured our view of the stage.

12. The smoke from the fire obscured the visibility in the room.

13. The writer's use of metaphor obscured the true meaning of the poem.

14. The politician's evasive answers obscured the truth of the matter.

15. The complex legal jargon used in the document obscured its intended message.

16. The dense forest obscured the path, making it hard to find the way back.

17. The foggy conditions obscured the lighthouse, posing a risk to sailors.

18. The poor lighting in the room obscured the details of the painting on the wall.

19. The heavy snowfall obscured the landscape, transforming it into a white blanket.

20. The high walls surrounding the property obscured the view from the outside.

This word "OBSCUREDis taken from this story "Breaking Bad Habits with Mindfulness : A Journey to Self-Transformation"

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Tags : english vocabulary words with meaning pdf, vocabulary words with meaning and sentence, a to z vocabulary words with meaning and sentence, english vocabulary words with hindi meaning, English vocabulary words with meaning, translate english to hindi, translate in hindi, translate hindi into English, translate in English, translation english to hindi, translation in hindi, translation hindi into English, translation to English, Hindi-Man, hindiman, hindi man, Hindi Meaning of OBSCURED, hindi translation of OBSCURED

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