20 usage of "TEMPTATION" in the day to day life sentences

English speaking | english grammar | English Vocabulary | hindi english translation | hindi man

1. Despite being on a diet, the smell of freshly baked cookies was a strong temptation for Sarah.

2. James resisted the temptation to stay up late and instead prioritized getting a good night's sleep.

3. The shiny new gadget in the store window was a temptation that John couldn't resist, so he bought it.

4. Jenny faced the temptation to procrastinate on her important work assignment, but she stayed focused and completed it on time.

5. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee was a temptation that lured Maria into the café.

6. Mark struggled with the temptation to skip his morning workout, but he pushed through and went to the gym.

7. Sarah placed the chocolate cake out of sight to avoid the temptation of eating it before dinner.

8. The offer of a luxurious vacation package was a temptation that tempted Lisa to splurge on her savings.

9. Jim resisted the temptation to gossip about his coworker's personal life, choosing instead to maintain professionalism.

10. The advertisement for a limited-time sale created a strong temptation for Sarah to buy clothes she didn't need.

11. Despite being on a strict budget, the allure of a trendy restaurant was a temptation for Tom and his friends.

12. The temptation to hit the snooze button was strong, but Lisa forced herself out of bed to start her day.

13. The temptation to check social media constantly was affecting Jack's productivity, so he implemented time restrictions.

14. Despite knowing the negative consequences, Sarah couldn't resist the temptation to indulge in unhealthy fast food occasionally.

15. The temptation to take a shortcut during the marathon was strong, but the runner stuck to the designated route.

16. The temptation to cheat on the exam was overwhelming, but Maria chose to uphold her integrity and studied diligently instead.

17. Tom resisted the temptation to buy unnecessary gadgets by reminding himself of his financial goals.

18. Despite the temptation to cancel her gym membership, Emma kept going, motivated by her desire to improve her fitness.

19. The temptation to skip doing chores and relax on the couch was strong, but Lisa reminded herself of the importance of maintaining a clean home.

20. The temptation to engage in unhealthy habits was reduced when Mark surrounded himself with supportive friends who shared his wellness goals.

This word "TEMPTATIONis taken from this story "10 Morning Habits for a Successful Day"

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Tags : daily use vocabulary words with meaning, impressive vocabulary words, english vocabulary words with meaning in hindi, english vocabulary words pdf, translate english to hindi, translate in hindi, translate hindi into English, translate in English, translation english to hindi, translation in hindi, translation hindi into English, translation to English, Hindi-Man, hindiman, hindi man, Hindi Meaning of TEMPTATION, hindi translation of TEMPTATION

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