The Sweet History of Chocolate : Learn English with the help of this story

Learn English with the help of this story "The Sweet History of Chocolate"

English speaking | english grammar | English Vocabulary | hindi english translation | hindi man

यदि आप सही words का सही जगह इस्तेमाल करना सीखना चाहते हैं या कह लीजिए कि आप English vocabulary सही तरीके से इस्तेमाल करना सीखना चाहते हैं, तो आप बिल्कुल सही जगह आएं । इस कहानी की मदद से हम english के कुछ words को day to day life में इस्तेमाल करना सीखेंगे ।

आइए, पहले हम इस कहानी "The Sweet History of Chocolate" को पढ़ने के लिए खुद को तैयार करते हैं । इस कहानी में इस्तेमाल होने वाले कुछ words की जानकारी लेंगे । उसके बाद कहानी पढ़ेंगे जोकि English में है, फिर उसके बाद प्रश्नों को पूछना सीखेंगे और उनका उत्तर देना भी सीखेंगे ।

    #1. Useful Words

    1.      Chocolate (चॉकलेट)

    a sweet food made from cacao beans.

    • I love eating chocolate ice cream.

    मुझे चॉकलेट आइसक्रीम खाना बहुत पसंद है।


    2.      Cacao beans (काकाओ बीन्स)

    the seeds of a wild chocolate tree used to make chocolate.

    • The cacao beans are the main ingredient in making chocolate.

    कोको बीन्स चॉकलेट बनाने में मुख्य सामग्री है।


    3.      Aztecs (एज्टेक)

    a civilization of indigenous people in Mexico who first used cacao beans to create a special beverage.

    • The Aztecs believed that chocolate was brought by gods from paradise.

    एज़्टेक का मानना​​था कि चॉकलेट स्वर्ग से देवताओं द्वारा लाया गया था।

    4.      Mayans (मायन)

    an ancient civilization in Mexico who also used cacao beans to make a special beverage.

    • The Mayans thought that chocolate trees were divine and came from paradise.

    मायाओं ने सोचा कि चॉकलेट के पेड़ दिव्य थे और स्वर्ग से आए थे।


    5.      Cortes  (कोर्टेस)

    a Spanish explorer who introduced chocolate to Europe in the 1500s.

    • Cortes became interested in the chocolate plantations of the Aztecs during his travels.

    अपनी यात्रा के दौरान कोर्टेस एज़्टेक के चॉकलेट बागानों में रुचि रखने लगे।


    6.      Kings  (बादशाह)

    male rulers of a kingdom or empire.

    • In the past, kings would often enjoy drinking chocolate as a luxury beverage.

    अतीत मेंराजा अक्सर चॉकलेट को एक विलासितापूर्ण पेय के रूप में पीने का आनंद लेते थे।


    7.      Queens  (रानी)

    female rulers of a kingdom or empire.

    • Queens would also enjoy drinking chocolate as a luxury beverage.

    क्वींस भी चॉकलेट को एक लक्ज़री पेय के रूप में पीने का आनंद लेंगी।


    8.      Sugar  (चीनी)

    a sweet substance used to add flavor to food and beverages.

    • I like to add sugar to my tea to make it sweet.

    मैं अपनी चाय को मीठा बनाने के लिए उसमें चीनी मिलाना पसंद करता हूँ।


    9.      Machines (मशीन)

    devices used to make or produce something.

    • The new machines allowed chocolate makers to produce their products quickly and efficiently.

    नई मशीनों ने चॉकलेट निर्माताओं को अपने उत्पादों को जल्दी और कुशलता से बना ने की अनुमति दी।


    10.    Aroma  (सुगंध)

    a pleasant smell.

    • The aroma of chocolate is so enticing.

    चॉकलेट की महक बहुत मनमोहक होती है।


    11.    Texture  (बनावट)

    the feel or consistency of a food or substance.

    • The smooth texture of chocolate is one of its most desirable qualities.

    चॉकलेट की चिकनी बनावट इसके सबसे वांछनीय गुणों में से एक है।


    12. Types (प्रकार)

    different kinds or categories.

    • There are many different types of chocolate with varying flavors and textures.

    अलग-अलग स्वाद और बनावट के साथ चॉकलेट के कई अलग-अलग प्रकार हैं।


    13.    Flavors (स्वाद)

    the tastes of different foods or beverages.

    • Dark chocolate has a more bitter flavor compared to milk chocolate.

    मिल्क चॉकलेट की तुलना में डार्क चॉकलेट का स्वाद ज्यादा कड़वा होता है।


    14.    Subtle (सूक्ष्म)

    delicate and not easily noticeable.

    • The subtle flavor of this chocolate is very nice.

    इस चॉकलेट का सूक्ष्म स्वाद बहुत अच्छा है।


    15.    Delights  (आनंद)

    things that bring pleasure or happiness.

    • Chocolate is one of life's greatest delights.

    चॉकलेट जीवन की सबसे बड़ी खुशियों में से एक है।


    16.    Divine (अलौकिक)

    related to or coming from a god or gods.

    • The Aztecs believed that chocolate trees were divine and brought from paradise by gods.

    एज़्टेक का मानना था कि चॉकलेट के पेड़ दिव्य थे और देवताओं द्वारा स्वर्ग से लाए गए थे।


    17.    Treats  (व्यवहार करना)

    something special or enjoyable.

    • I like to treat myself to a piece of chocolate every once in a while.

    मैं अपने आप को समय-समय पर चॉकलेट का एक टुकड़ा देना पसंद करता हूं।


    18.    Spread  (फैलना)

    to become more widespread or popular.

    • Chocolate spread throughout Europe after it was introduced by Cortes.

    कोर्टेस द्वारा पेश किए जाने के बाद चॉकलेट पूरे यूरोप में फैल गई।


    19.    Rapid  (तेज़)

    quick or fast.

    • The new machines allowed chocolate makers to produce their products at a very rapid rate.

    नई मशीनों ने चॉकलेट निर्माताओं को अपने उत्पादों को बहुत तेज गति से बनाने की अनुमति दी।


    20.    Perfect (उत्तम)

    without flaws or defects.

    • Chocolate makers learned how to prepare the beans in special ways to perfect the aroma of chocolate.

    चॉकलेट बनाने वालों ने सीखा कि चॉकलेट की महक को बेहतरीन बनाने के लिए बीन्स को खास तरीके से कैसे तैयार किया जाता है।


    21.    Palate  (तालू)

    the roof of the mouth, or the ability to taste.

    • The flavor of high-quality chocolate stays on the palate long after it has been eaten.

    उच्च गुणवत्ता वाली चॉकलेट का स्वाद खाने के बाद भी लंबे समय तक तालू पर रहता है।


    22.    Rich (समृद्ध)

    having a lot of something valuable or desirable.

    • The history of chocolate is rich and fascinating.

    चॉकलेट का इतिहास समृद्ध और आकर्षक है।


    23.    Ancient (प्राचीन)

    very old or from a long time ago.

    • The Mayans were an ancient civilization that used cacao beans to create a special beverage.

    मायान एक प्राचीन सभ्यता थी जो एक विशेष पेय बनाने के लिए कोको बीन्स का इस्तेमाल करती थी।


    24.    Civilization  (सभ्यता)

    a society with a complex culture and organized government.

    • The Aztecs were an ancient civilization in Mexico.

    एज़्टेक मेक्सिको में एक प्राचीन सभ्यता थी।


    25.    Indigenous  (स्वदेशी)

    originating or occurring naturally in a particular place.

    • The Aztecs were an indigenous people in Mexico.

    एज़्टेक मेक्सिको में एक स्वदेशी लोग थे।


    #2. Synonyms

    1.    Cacao - cocoa

    2.    Discover - uncover

    3.    Treats - goodies

    4.    Pleasant - enjoyable

    5.    Upper class - aristocracy

    6.    Spread - disseminated

    7.    Aroma - scent

    8.    Delicious - scrumptious

    9.    Palate - taste buds

    10.                       History - past events


    #3. Choose the right word for the given words

    1. What is the meaning of "humid" in the article?

    A) Wet

    B) Dry

    C) Hot

    D) Cold

    2. What is the meaning of "condensed" in the article?

    A) Reduced in size or volume

    B) Heated to a high temperature

    C) Mixed with sugar

    D) Boiled until thickened

    3. What is the meaning of "aroma" in the article?

    A) The way something tastes

    B) The way something looks

    C) The way something smells

    D) The way something feels

    4. What is the meaning of "toxic" in the article?

    A) Pleasant

    B) Harmful

    C) Beneficial

    D) Bitter

    5. What is the meaning of "palate" in the article?

    A) The roof of the mouth

    B) The tongue

    C) The lips

    D) The gums

    6. What is the meaning of "delights" in the article?

    A) Surprises

    B) Annoyances

    C) Pleasures

    D) Difficulties

    7. What is the meaning of "upper class" in the article?

    A) Wealthy people

    B) Middle class people

    C) Poor people

    D) Working class people

    8. What is the meaning of "texture" in the article?

    A) The way something smells

    B) The way something tastes

    C) The way something looks

    D) The way something feels

    9. What is the meaning of "divine" in the article?

    A) Heavenly

    B) Earthly

    C) Unpleasant

    D) Difficult

    10. What is the meaning of "spread" in the article?

    A) To move around

    B) To increase in number

    C) To reduce in size

    D) To change shape

    #4. Answer of #3:

    1. A) Wet

    2. D) Boiled until thickened

    3. C) The way something smells

    4. B) Harmful

    5. A) The roof of the mouth

    6. C) Pleasures

    7. A) Wealthy people

    8. D) The way something feels

    9. A) Heavenly

    10. B) To increase in number


    #5. Story

    Did you know that chocolate, also known as the "food of the gods," was first made in the Americas? Wild chocolate trees grow easily in the humid Amazon rainforest, and their seeds contain cacao beans, the key ingredient in making delicious chocolate treats.

    The Mayan and Aztec cultures believed that chocolate trees were brought from paradise by gods, and they used the beans to create a special beverage with a pleasant odor. However, the Aztecs thought it was toxic to women and children.

    In the 1500s, Spanish explorer Cortes met the Aztecs and became interested in their chocolate plantations. He took cacao beans back to Europe and introduced the people of Spain to the Aztecs' chocolate beverage. Soon, kingsqueens, and the upper class began to enjoy drinking chocolate, especially after they learned to add sugar to it!

    Over the next century, chocolate spread throughout Europe, and new machines helped chocolate makers produce their products quickly and perfectly. They learned how to prepare the beans in special ways to bring out the aroma of chocolate, and combined them with condensed milk for a smooth texture.

    Today, there are many types of chocolate with varying flavors and textures, but true chocolate lovers can always tell which is the best. High-quality chocolate leaves a delicious flavor on the palate long after it has been eaten.

    So next time you enjoy a chocolate treat, remember its rich history and the ancient cultures who first discovered the delights of this divine food.

    #6. Answer the following questions : (Know how to ask questions)

    1.    What is chocolate also known as?

    2.    Where do wild chocolate trees grow?

    3.    What is the key ingredient in making chocolate treats?

    4.    What did the Mayan and Aztec cultures believe about chocolate trees?

    5.    What did the Aztecs think about chocolate?

    6.    Who met the Aztecs and became interested in their chocolate plantations?

    7.    Where did Cortes take cacao beans back to?

    8.    What did Cortes introduce to the people of Spain?

    9.    Who began to enjoy drinking chocolate after they learned to add sugar to it?

    10.                       How did new machines help chocolate makers produce their products?

    11.                       What did chocolate makers learn to do with the beans to bring out the aroma of chocolate?

    12.                       What did chocolate makers combine with the beans for a smooth texture?

    13.                       How many types of chocolate are there today?

    14.                       What do true chocolate lovers always know?

    15.                       What does high-quality chocolate leave on the palate long after it has been eaten?

    16.                       What should you remember next time you enjoy a chocolate treat?

    17.                       Where was chocolate first made?

    18.                       Where do wild chocolate trees grow easily?

    19.                       What is the key ingredient in making delicious chocolate treats?

    20.                       What did the Aztecs believe about chocolate?


    #7. Answer of #6 :

    Answer 1: "Food of the gods."

    Answer 2: In the humid Amazon rainforest.

    Answer 3: Cacao beans.

    Answer 4: They believed that they were brought from paradise by gods.

    Answer 5: They thought it was toxic to women and children.

    Answer 6: Spanish explorer Cortes.

    Answer 7: Europe.

    Answer 8: The Aztecs' chocolate beverage.

    Answer 9: Kings, queens, and the upper class.

    Answer 10: They produced their products quickly and perfectly.

    Answer 11: They learned how to prepare them in special ways.

    Answer 12: Condensed milk.

    Answer 13: Many types.

    Answer 14: They can always tell which chocolate is the best.

    Answer 15: A delicious flavor.

    Answer 16: Its rich history and the ancient cultures who first discovered it.

    Answer 17: In the Americas.

    Answer 18: In the humid Amazon rainforest.

    Answer 19: Cacao beans.

    Answer 20: They believed it was toxic to women and children.



    #8. Other More Useful words

    1. aroma (n) सुगंध

    An aroma is a scent or smell.

    • I love the aroma of coffee in the morning.

    मुझे सुबह कॉफी की सुगंध बहुत पसंद है।


    2. beverage (n) पेय पदार्थ

    A beverage is a drink.

    • The waiter brought our beverages first. Then he brought our food.

    वेटर पहले हमारे पेय पदार्थ लाया।  फिर वह हमारा खाना ले आया।


    3. cluster (n) गुच्छा

    A cluster of things is a small group of them placed close together.

    • She held a large cluster of grapes in her hand.

    उसके हाथ में अंगूरों का एक बड़ा गुच्छा था।


    4. combine (v) मिलाना

    To combine is to join together to make a single thing or group.

    • Mina combined peanut butter and jelly to make a sandwich.

    मीना ने पीनट बटर और जेली को मिलाकर सैंडविच बनाया।


    5. condensed (adj) गाढ़ा

    When a liquid is condensed, it is made thicker.

    • One way to make a dessert thick and sweet is to use condensed milk.

    मिठाई को गाढ़ा और मीठा बनाने का एक तरीका गाढ़ा दूध का उपयोग करना है।


    6. contemporary (adj) समकालीन

    When something is contemporary, it is related to the present time.

    • Contemporary scientists have learned quite a bit about DNA.

    समकालीन वैज्ञानिकों ने डीएनए के बारे में काफी कुछ सीखा है।


    7. cultivate (v) खेती करना

    To cultivate plants is to care for them and help them grow.

    • A research company is cultivating new kinds of rice to aid poor countries.

    एक शोध कंपनी गरीब देशों की सहायता के लिए नए प्रकार के चावल की खेती कर रही है।


    8. divine (adj) अलौकिक

    When something is divine, it is related to gods.

    • Legends say that music was given to men as a divine gift from the gods.

    किंवदंतियों का कहना है कि संगीत पुरुषों को देवताओं से एक दिव्य उपहार के रूप में दिया गया था।


    9. humid (adj) नमी

    When it is humid, there is a lot of water in the air.

    • My curly hair always frizzes up in humid weather, no matter how much product I use.

        मेरे घुंघराले बाल हमेशा उमस भरे मौसम में झड़ते हैंचाहे मैं कितना भी उत्पाद 

         इस्ते  माल कर लूं।


    10. odor (n) गंध

    An odor is a very distinct smell.

    • He knew there was a leak when he noticed the strong odor of natural gas.

       जब उन्होंने प्राकृतिक गैस की तेज गंध देखी तो उन्हें पता चला कि रिसाव हो रहा है।



    11. palate (n) तालू

    The palate is the top part of the mouth.

    • You can touch your palate with your tongue.

        आप अपनी जीभ से अपने तालू को छू सकते हैं।


    12. paradise (n) स्वर्ग

    Paradise is the place or condition of happiness where things are perfect.

    • My vacation in Hawaii was like being in paradise.

        हवाई में मेरा अवकाश स्वर्ग में होने जैसा था।


    13. plantation (n) वृक्षारोपण

    A plantation is a big farm that only grows certain kinds of crops.

    • In the 1800s, there were many cotton plantations in the southern US.

        1800 के दशक मेंदक्षिणी अमेरिका में कपास के कई बागान थे।


    14. rapid (adj) तेज़

    When something is rapid, it moves or changes very quickly.

    • His mother was surprised by her son's rapid growth.

        बेटे के तेजी से विकास से उसकी मां हैरान थी।


    15. rates (n) दरें

    A rate is the speed at which something happens.

    • Grass tends to grow at a very slow rate.

    घास बहुत धीमी गति से बढ़ने लगती है।


    16. soothing (adj) सुखदायक

    When something is soothing, it makes you calm or relaxed.

    • The soothing music helped the baby fall asleep.

        सुखदायक संगीत ने बच्चे को सोने में मदद की।


    17. subtle (adj) सूक्ष्म

    When something is subtle, it is not easy to see or notice.

    • The handsome man has a subtle smile.

        हैंडसम आदमी की सूक्ष्म मुस्कान होती है।


    18. texture (n) बनावट

    The texture of something is the way its surface looks and feels.

    • The texture of a rock found in the water is typically very smooth.

        पानी में पाई जाने वाली चट्टान की बनावट आमतौर पर बहुत चिकनी होती है।


    19. toxic (adj) विषाक्त

    When something is toxic, it is poisonous. Toxic things are very dangerous.

    • Please check the label to see if the product is toxic.

        उत्पाद विषाक्त है या नहीं यह देखने के लिए कृपया लेबल की जांच करें।


    20. vary (v) अलग होना

    To vary means to be different from another thing in size or amount.

    • The heights of the people in my class vary by a large amount.

        मेरी कक्षा के लोगों की लम्बाई बहुत अधिक भिन्न है।

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