The Lion and the Rabbit

Learn english with the help of this story "The Lion and the Rabbit"

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यदि आप सही words का सही जगह इस्तेमाल करना सीखना चाहते हैं या कह लीजिए कि आप English vocabulary सही तरीके से इस्तेमाल करना देखना चाहते हैं, तो आप बिल्कुल सही जगह आएं इस कहानी की मदद से हम english के कुछ words को day to day life में इस्तेमाल करना सीखेंगे

आइए, पहले हम इस कहानी "Twelve Months" को पढ़ने के लिए खुद को तैयार करते हैं इस कहानी में इस्तेमाल होने वाले कुछ words की जानकारी लेंगे उसके बाद कहानी पढ़ेंगे, फिर उसके बाद प्रश्नों को पूछना सीखेंगे और उनका उत्तर देना भी सीखेंगे

    H1. Useful words

    1. Dense (घना)

    closely compacted or crowded together.

    • The dense forest made it difficult for the animals to move around freely.

    घने जंगल के कारण पशुओं का खुले में घूमना मुश्किल हो गया है।

    2. Dreaded (
    डर लगना)
    regarded with great fear or apprehension.

    • The lion's wrath was dreaded by all the animals in the jungle.

    जंगल के सभी जानवर शेर के प्रकोप से डरते थे।

    3. Clever (
    quick-witted and intelligent.

    • The rabbit was a clever creature and had a trick up his sleeve.

    खरगोश एक चतुर प्राणी था और उसके दिमाग में एक चाल थी।

    4. Approach (
    प्रस्ताव करना)
    to come near or nearer to.

    • The animals approached the lion with an offer he couldn't refuse.

    जानवर शेर के पास एक प्रस्ताव लेकर पहुंचे जिसे वह मना नहीं कर सका।

    5. Refuse (
    अस्वीकार करना)
    to decline to accept or consider.

    • The lion couldn't refuse the tempting offer presented by the other animals.

    शेर अन्य जानवरों द्वारा प्रस्तुत लुभावने प्रस्ताव को अस्वीकार नहीं कर सका।

    6. Temptation (
    a strong desire to do something, especially something that is wrong or unwise.

    • The lion couldn't resist the temptation of having a daily meal without any effort.

    शेर बिना किसी प्रयास के रोजाना भोजन करने के प्रलोभन का विरोध नहीं कर सका।

    7. End of the bargain (
    किसी सौदे या समझौते के अपने हिस्से को पूरा करना)
    fulfilling one's part of a deal or agreement.

    • The animals knew they had to keep their end of the bargain by taking turns to be the lion's meal.

    जानवरों को मालूम था कि उन्हें शेर के भोजन होने के समझौते को निभाना होगाजिसमें वे बारी-बारी से शेर के भोजन बनेंगे।

    8. Pleased (
    प्रसन्न होना)

    feeling happy or satisfied.

    • The lion was pleased with the arrangement and didn't have to hunt anymore.

    शेर व्यवस्था से प्रसन्न हुआ और उसे अब शिकार नहीं करना पड़ा।

    9. Furious (
    extremely angry

    • The lion was furious when the rabbit was late.

    खरगोश के देर से आने पर शेर आगबबूला हो गया।

    10. Majesty (
    a term of respect and reverence for a king or queen

    • The rabbit addressed the lion as "Your Majesty."

    खरगोश ने शेर को "महाराजकहकर सम्बोधित किया।

    11. Injured (

    harmed or damaged physically or emotionally

    • The rabbit pretended to be injured when he went to meet the lion.

    जब खरगोश शेर से मिलने गया तो उसने घायल होने का नाटक किया।

    12. Pride (
    a feeling of satisfaction or pleasure in one's achievements or possessions

    • The lion's pride was hurt when he heard about the other lion.

    दूसरे सिंह की बात सुनकर शेर का अहंकार आहत हुआ।

    13. Authority (
    the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience

    • The lion didn't want anyone to challenge his authority as the king of the jungle.

    शेर नहीं चाहता था कि कोई जंगल के राजा के रूप में उसके अधिकार को चुनौती दे।

    14. Agree (
    सहमत होना)
    to consent to or approve of something

    • The lion agreed to the deal presented by the other animals.

    शेर अन्य जानवरों द्वारा पेश किए गए सौदे के लिए राजी हो गया।

    15. Led (
    नेतृत्व करना)
    past tense of lead; to show the way

    • The rabbit led the lion towards the old well.

    खरगोश शेर को पुराने कुएँ की ओर ले गया।

    16. Old (
    having lived for a long time; not new

    • The well in the middle of the forest was old and unused.

    जंगल के बीच का कुआं पुराना और अनुपयोगी था।

    17. Middle (
    the centre point or part of something

    • The well was located in the middle of the forest.

    कुआं जंगल के बीच में स्थित था।

    18. Reflection (
    an image produced by a mirror or reflecting surface

    • The lion saw his own reflection in the water of the well.

    शेर को कुएँ के पानी में अपना प्रतिबिम्ब दिखाई दिया।

    19. Lunge (
    झपट्टा मारना)
    to make a sudden forward movement

    • The lion lunged towards the water, thinking it was the other lion.

    शेर यह सोचकर पानी की तरफ लपका कि वह दूसरा शेर है।

    20. Tyranny (
    cruel and oppressive government or rule

    • The animals were free from the lion's tyranny after he fell into the well.

    कुएं में गिरने के बाद जानवर शेर के अत्याचार से मुक्त हो गए।

    21. Fearsome (
    causing fear or terror

    • The lion was a fearsome creature that terrorized the other animals in the forest.

    शेर एक भयानक प्राणी था जो जंगल के अन्य जानवरों को आतंकित करता था।

    22. Notorious (कुख्यात)
    widely and unfavorably known

    • The lion was notorious for his brutal killings and reign of terror.

    शेर अपनी क्रूर हत्याओं और आतंक के राज के लिए कुख्यात था।

    23. Brutal (
    savage; cruel

    • The lion's killings were brutal and cruel.

    शेर की हत्या क्रूर और क्रूर थी।

    24. Ferocious (
    fierce; aggressive

    • The lion's ferocious roar scared all the other animals in the jungle.

    शेर की दहाड़ ने जंगल के सभी जानवरों को डरा दिया।

    25. Iron paw (
    किसी के मजबूत और दमनकारी शासन के लिए एक रूपक)
    a metaphor for the lion's strong and oppressive rule

    • The lion ruled the jungle with an iron paw, and his wrath was dreaded by all.

    शेर जंगल पर मजबूत  दमनकारी शासन करता थाऔर उसके क्रोध से सभी डरते थे।

    26. Ambush (
    a surprise attack from a hidden position

    • The other animals were waiting in ambush near the well when the lion and the rabbit arrived.

    शेर और खरगोश के आने पर दूसरे जानवर कुएं के पास घात लगाकर बैठे थे।

    27. Stifled (
    दम घुटना)
    past tense of stifle; suppressed or restrained

    • The lion's roar was stifled as he fell into the well.

    कुएं में गिरते ही शेर की दहाड़ दब गई।

    28. Clumsy (
    lacking grace or skill in movement or action

    • The lion was clumsy as he tried to climb out of the well.

    शेर अनाड़ी था क्योंकि उसने कुएँ से बाहर निकलने की कोशिश की।

    29. Cunning (
    having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion

    • The rabbit's cunning plan had worked, and the lion was trapped in the well.

    खरगोश की चालाक योजना काम कर गई थी और शेर कुएं में फंस गया था।

    30. Rescue (
    to save from danger or harm

    • The animals refused to rescue the lion from the well, as they were tired of his tyranny.

    जानवरों ने शेर को कुएं से निकालने से इनकार कर दियाक्योंकि वे उसके अत्याचार से थक गए थे।

    H2. Choose the right word for the given words

    1. What does "notorious" mean in the sentence "who was notorious for his brutal killings"?

    a) famous

    b) infamous

    c) friendly

    d) caring

    2. What does "iron paw" mean in the sentence "The lion ruled the jungle with an iron paw"?

    a) a paw made of iron

    b) a paw with sharp claws

    c) a paw that is heavy and powerful

    d) a paw that is soft and gentle

    3. What does "tyranny" mean in the sentence "free from the lion's tyranny"?

    a) a system of government where one person has complete control and abuses their power

    b) a system of government where people are free to make their own choices

    c) a system of government where people vote for their leaders

    d) a system of government where everyone is equal

    4. What does "ferocious" mean in the sentence "The other animals would tremble in terror every time they heard his ferocious roar"?

    a) kind

    b) fierce

    c) timid

    d) gentle

    5. What does "bargain" mean in the sentence "The animals knew that they had to keep their end of the bargain"?

    a) an agreement between two parties

    b) a disagreement between two parties

    c) a negotiation between two parties

    d) a competition between two parties

    6. What does "wrath" mean in the sentence "His wrath was dreaded by all"?

    a) happiness

    b) anger

    c) sadness

    d) fear

    7. What does "temptation" mean in the sentence "he couldn't resist the temptation of having a daily meal without any effort"?

    a) something that is good for you

    b) something that is bad for you

    c) something that you can't resist doing

    d) something that you don't want to do

    8. What does "clever" mean in the sentence "The animals of the forest decided to put an end to this reign of terror. They gathered together and came up with a clever plan"?

    a) silly

    b) foolish

    c) intelligent

    d) lazy

    9. What does "peered" mean in the sentence "The lion peered into the well and saw his own reflection in the water"?

    a) looked quickly

    b) looked closely

    c) looked away

    d) looked happily


    10. What does "overjoyed" mean in the sentence "The other animals were overjoyed with the rabbit's clever trick"?

    a) extremely happy

    b) extremely sad

    c) extremely angry

    d) extremely scared

    H3. Answers of H2

    1. b) infamous 

    2. c) a paw that is heavy and powerful    

    3. a) a system of government where one person has complete control and abuses their power  

    4. b) fierce

    5. a) an agreement between two parties             

    6. b) anger                  

    7. c) something that you can't resist doing        

    8. c) intelligent          

    9. b) looked closely  

    10. a) extremely happy


    H4. Story

    The Lion and the Rabbit

    In the heart of the dense forest lived a fearsome lion, who was notorious for his brutal killings. The other animals would tremble in terror every time they heard his ferocious roar. The lion ruled the jungle with an iron paw, and his wrath was dreaded by all.

    One day, the animals of the forest decided to put an end to this reign of terror. They gathered together and came up with a clever plan. They approached the lion with an offer he couldn't refuse.

    "Dear Lion," they said, "We understand your need to hunt and feed, but we are afraid that if you continue to do so, soon there will be no animals left in the forest. So, here's what we suggest. If you promise to eat only one animal a day, we will take turns coming to you. That way, you won't have to hunt, and we can all live in peace."

    The lion was taken aback by this offer. It was too good to be true, but he couldn't resist the temptation of having a daily meal without any effort. So, he agreed to the deal, but with a warning, "If any of you fail to show up, I will hunt and kill all of you the next day."

    The animals knew that they had to keep their end of the bargain, so every day, one of them went to the lion to be his meal. The arrangement worked well, and the lion was pleased.

    However, one day it was the rabbit's turn to go to the lion. The rabbit was a clever creature and had a trick up his sleeve. He hopped slowly towards the lion's den, pretending to be injured.

    The lion was furious when he saw the rabbit coming so slowly, "Why are you late?" he roared.

    "I'm sorry, Your Majesty," said the rabbit, "I was attacked by another lion who claimed to be the true king of the jungle. He threatened to kill me if I didn't take him to you."

    The lion's pride was hurt, and he didn't want anyone to challenge his authority. So, he demanded, "Take me to this other lion, and I will show him who the real king is."

    The rabbit agreed and led the lion towards an old well in the middle of the forest. The well was deep, and the water at the bottom was still. The rabbit pointed at the well and said, "Your Majesty, the other lion lives down there. Look for yourself."

    The lion peered into the well and saw his own reflection in the water. Thinking it was the other lion, he lunged towards the water with all his might. But alas, he fell straight into the well, never to be seen again.

    The other animals were overjoyed with the rabbit's clever trick, and they lived happily ever after, free from the lion's tyranny.

    H5: Conversation

    Rajesh, Priya, and Sanjay. They are discussing the events that unfolded in the forest with the lion and the clever rabbit.

    Rajesh: Did you hear about what happened in the forest? That clever rabbit outwitted the fearsome lion!

    Priya: Oh, yes! It was such a thrilling story. The lion had terrorized the forest for far too long.

    Sanjay: Absolutely! The lion's reign of terror needed to be put to an end. And the rabbit's trick was brilliant.

    Rajesh: I couldn't believe it when I read how the rabbit pretended to be injured. That took some serious courage.

    Priya: Indeed, the rabbit showed incredible bravery and quick thinking. It's amazing how a small creature like the rabbit could outsmart the mighty lion.

    Sanjay: The lion's pride was his downfall. He couldn't bear the thought of another lion challenging his authority.

    Rajesh: That's true. His ego blinded him to the reality, and he fell for the rabbit's clever ploy.

    Priya: And falling into the well was the perfect ending to the lion's tyranny. The forest animals can finally live in peace.

    Sanjay: It's a great lesson that even the most powerful can be defeated through wit and strategy. The lion learned it the hard way.

    Rajesh: Absolutely, Sanjay. The story teaches us that intelligence and teamwork can overcome even the greatest of challenges.

    Priya: I'm just glad that the animals in the forest can now live without fear. The rabbit's bravery and quick thinking saved them all.

    Sanjay: It's a tale that will be remembered for generations to come. The legend of the clever rabbit and the downfall of the fearsome lion.

    Rajesh: Indeed, it's a story of triumph and justice. And it reminds us that no matter how powerful someone may seem, there is always a way to overcome them.

    Priya: Let's hope this story inspires others to stand up against injustice and tyranny. And let's celebrate the bravery of that clever rabbit!

    Sanjay: Cheers to that! May the forest dwellers enjoy their newfound freedom and live happily ever after.

    The three friends raise their glasses, toasting to the clever rabbit and the end of the lion's reign of terror in the forest.

    H6. Answer the following questions : (Know how to ask questions)

    1.    Who was the ruler of the jungle in the story?

    2.    Why were the other animals afraid of the lion?

    3.    What did the animals decide to do to put an end to the lion's reign of terror?

    4.    What was the plan that the animals came up with to deal with the lion?

    5.    Why did the lion agree to the animals' plan?

    6.    What was the lion's warning to the animals?

    7.    What happened if any of the animals failed to show up for the lion's meal?

    8.    Who was the next animal in line to be the lion's meal?

    9.    How did the rabbit approach the lion's den on his turn?

    10.                       What did the rabbit pretend to be on his way to the lion's den?

    11.                       What did the rabbit tell the lion about the other lion in the forest?

    12.                       Why did the lion demand that the rabbit take him to the other lion?

    13.                       Where did the rabbit lead the lion?

    14.                       What did the rabbit point at when he led the lion to the other lion?

    15.                       What did the lion see when he peered into the well?

    16.                       What did the lion do when he saw his reflection in the water?

    17.                       What was the result of the lion's actions?

    18.                       How did the other animals react to the rabbit's clever trick?

    19.                       What was the outcome of the animals' plan to deal with the lion?

    20.                       Was the lion able to continue his reign of terror after the animals' plan?

    21.                       What kind of animal was the rabbit in the story?

    22.                       Why was the rabbit able to outsmart the lion?

    23.                       Did the other animals have any other plans to deal with the lion before coming up with this one?

    24.                       Did the lion suspect that the rabbit was up to something?

    25.                       What lesson can be learned from the story of the lion and the rabbit?


    H7. Answers of H6

    1.    The lion was the ruler of the jungle in the story.

    2.    The other animals were afraid of the lion because of his brutal killings and reign of terror.

    3.    The animals decided to put an end to the lion's reign of terror.

    4.    The plan that the animals came up with was to take turns coming to the lion to be his meal, so he wouldn't have to hunt and kill them all.

    5.    The lion agreed to the animals' plan because he saw it as an opportunity to have a daily meal without any effort.

    6.    The lion's warning to the animals was that if any of them failed to show up, he would hunt and kill all of them the next day.

    7.    If any of the animals failed to show up for the lion's meal, the lion would hunt and kill all of them the next day.

    8.    The rabbit was the next animal in line to be the lion's meal.

    9.    The rabbit approached the lion's den slowly on his turn.

    10.                       The rabbit pretended to be injured on his way to the lion's den.

    11.                       The rabbit told the lion that he was attacked by another lion who claimed to be the true king of the jungle, and he threatened to kill him if he didn't take him to the lion.

    12.                       The lion demanded that the rabbit take him to the other lion because he didn't want anyone to challenge his authority.

    13.                       The rabbit led the lion towards an old well in the middle of the forest.

    14.                       The rabbit pointed at the well when he led the lion to the other lion.

    15.                       The lion saw his own reflection in the water when he peered into the well.

    16.                       The lion lunged towards the water with all his might when he saw his reflection in the well.

    17.                       The lion fell straight into the well and was never seen again.

    18.                       The other animals were overjoyed with the rabbit's clever trick.

    19.                       The outcome of the animals' plan was that they were able to put an end to the lion's reign of terror, and they lived happily ever after.

    20.                       No, the lion was not able to continue his reign of terror after the animals' plan.

    21.                       The rabbit was a clever creature in the story.

    22.                       The rabbit was able to outsmart the lion because of his quick thinking and cunning.

    23.                       It is not mentioned in the story if the other animals had any other plans to deal with the lion before coming up with this one.

    24.                       It is not mentioned in the story if the lion suspected that the rabbit was up to something.

    25.                       The lesson that can be learned from the story of the lion and the rabbit is that intelligence and wit can overcome brute force and strength.


    H8. More Other Useful Words

    1. afraid  (adj) भयभीत

    When someone is afraid, they feel fear.

    • The woman was afraid of what she saw.

    जिसे देख महिला डर गई।


    2.  agree (v) सहमत होना

    To agree is to say "yes" or to think the same way.

    • Ram: The food is very good in that restaurant. Shyam : I agree with you.

    रामउस रेस्टोरेंट में खाना बहुत अच्छा है।  श्याम : मैं आपसे सहमत हूं।


    3. angry (adj) नाराज़

    When someone is angry, they may want to speak loudly or fight.

    • She didn't do her homework, so her father is angry.

    उसने अपना होमवर्क नहीं कियाइसलिए उसके पिता नाराज हैं।


    4. arrive (v). पहुंचना

    To arrive is to get to or reach some place.

    • The bus always arrives at the corner of my street at 4:00.

    बस हमेशा मेरी गली के कोने पर 4:00 बजे आती है।


    5. attack (v) आक्रमण करना

    To attack is to try to fight or to hurt.

    • The man with the sword attacked the other man first.

    तलवार वाले आदमी ने पहले दूसरे आदमी पर वार किया।


    6. bottom (n) निचला भाग

    The bottom is the lowest part.

    • The bottom of my shoe has a hole in it.

    मेरे जूते के निचले हिस्से में छेद है।


    7. clever (adj) चतुर

    When someone is clever, they can solve a hard puzzle or problem.

    • The clever boy thought of a good idea.

    चतुर लड़के ने एक अच्छा विचार सोचा।


    8. cruel (adj) निर्दयी

    When someone is cruel, they do bad things to hurt others.

    • The cruel man yelled at his sister.

    क्रूर आदमी अपनी बहन पर चिल्लाया।


    9. finally (adv) आखिरकार

    If something happens finally, it happens after a long time or at the end.

    • He finally crossed the finish line after five hours of running.

    पांच घंटे की दौड़ के बाद आखिरकार उन्होंने फिनिश लाइन पार कर ली।


    10. hide (v) छिपाना

    To hide is to try not to let others see you.

    • The other children will hide while you count to 100.

    जब आप 100 तक गिनेंगे तो दूसरे बच्चे छिप जाएंगे।


    11. hunt (v) शिकार करना

    To hunt is to look for or search for an animal to kill.

    • Long ago, people hunted with bows and arrows.

    बहुत समय पहलेलोग धनुष और बाणों से शिकार करते थे।


    12. lot (n) ढेरबहुत

    A lot means a large number or amount of people, animals, things, etc.

    • There are a lot of apples in the basket.

    टोकरी में ढेर सारे सेब हैं।


    13. middle (n) मध्यबीच का

    The middle of something is the center or halfway point.

    • The Canadian flag has a maple leaf in the middle of it.

    कनाडा के झंडे के बीच में एक मेपल का पत्ता होता है।


    14. moment (n) क्षण

    A moment is a second or a very short time.

    • I was only a few moments late for the meeting.

    मैं बैठक के लिए केवल कुछ ही क्षण लेट था।


    15. pleased (ad) खुशप्रसन्न

    When someone is pleased, they are happy.

    • She was pleased with the phone call she received.

    वह फोन कॉल मिलने से खुश थी।


    16. promise (v) वादा करना

    To promise is to say you will do something for sure.

    • He promised to return my book by tomorrow.

    उसने कल तक मेरी किताब लौटाने का वादा किया।


    17. reply (v) उत्तर देना

    To reply is to give an answer or say back to someone.

    • She asked him what time his meeting was. He replied, "at three."

    उसने उससे पूछा कि उसकी मुलाकात किस समय हुई थी।  उसने उत्तर दिया, "तीन बजे।"


    18. safe (ad) सुरक्षित

    When a person is safe, they are not in danger.

    • Put on your seat belt in the car to be safe.

    सुरक्षित रहने के लिए कार में सीट बेल्ट जरूर लगाएं।


    19. trick (n) चाल

    A trick is something you do to fool another person.

    • His card trick really surprised us.

    उनकी कार्ड ट्रिक ने हमें वाकई हैरान कर दिया।


    20. well (adv) अच्छा

    You use well to say that something was done in a good way.

    • Kanishka can dance quite well.

    कनिष्का काफी अच्छा डांस कर सकती है।


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