The North Star | English se english sikho

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यदि आप सही words का सही जगह इस्तेमाल करना सीखना चाहते हैं या कह लीजिए कि आप English vocabulary सही तरीके से इस्तेमाल करना देखना चाहते हैं, तो आप बिल्कुल सही जगह आएं इस कहानी की मदद से हम english के कुछ words को day to day life में इस्तेमाल करना सीखेंगे

आइए, पहले हम इस कहानी " The North Star" को पढ़ने के लिए खुद को तैयार करते हैं इस कहानी में इस्तेमाल होने वाले कुछ words की जानकारी लेंगे उसके बाद कहानी पढ़ेंगे, फिर उसके बाद प्रश्नों को पूछना सीखेंगे और उनका उत्तर देना भी सीखेंगे

    Useful words

    1.       Polaris  (ध्रुवतारा)

    a star located close to the North Pole that has been used as a navigational aid.

    Example :

    Sailors used Polaris to determine their location and direction on the sea.

    नाविकों ने समुद्र पर अपना स्थान और दिशा निर्धारित करने के लिए पोलारिस का इस्तेमाल किया।


    2.       Latitude (अक्षांश)

    a measure of a location's distance from the equator, measured in degrees north or south.

    Example :

    The captain determined the ship's latitude by measuring the angle between the North Star and the horizon.

    कप्तान ने उत्तर सितारा और क्षितिज के बीच के कोण को मापकर जहाज का अक्षांश निर्धारित किया।


    3.       North (उत्तर)

    the direction towards the North Pole or the top of a map.

    Example :

    The compass needle always points to the North.

    दिक्सूचक की सुई हमेशा उत्तर दिशा की ओर इशारा करती है।


    4.       South  (दक्षिण)

    the direction towards the South Pole or the bottom of a map.

    Example :

    The explorer traveled South to reach the Antarctic.

    खोजकर्ता ने अंटार्कटिक तक पहुँचने के लिए दक्षिण की यात्रा की।


    5.       East (पूर्व)

    the direction towards the rising sun or the right side of a map.

    Example :

    The plane flew East across the Atlantic.

    विमान ने अटलांटिक के पार पूर्व की ओर उड़ान भरी।


    6.       West (पश्चिम)

    the direction towards the setting sun or the left side of a map.

    Example :

    The sun sets in the West every evening.

    सूरज हर शाम पश्चिम में अस्त होता है।


    7.       Guiding (मार्गदर्शन)

    directing or showing the way.

    Example :

    The teacher was guiding the students through the steps of the experiment.

    शिक्षक प्रयोग के चरणों के माध्यम से छात्रों का मार्गदर्शन कर रहे थे।


    8.       Horizon (क्षितिज)

    the line where the earth and sky meet.

    Example :

    The ship disappeared over the horizon, sailing towards the open sea.

    जहाज खुले समुद्र की ओर नौकायन करते हुए क्षितिज के ऊपर से गायब हो गया।


    9.       Navigating  (नेविगेट)

    finding one's way.

    Example :

    The hiker navigated through the forest using a map and compass.

    यात्री ने मानचित्र और कम्पास का उपयोग करके जंगल के माध्यम से नेविगेट किया।


    10.     Vast (विशाल)

    extremely large.

    Example :

    The Sahara desert is a vast expanse of sand and dunes.

    सहारा रेगिस्तान रेत और टीलों का विशाल विस्तार है।


    11.     Calculate (गणना करना)

    to determine by mathematical means.

    Example :

    The engineer calculated the amount of steel needed to build the bridge.

    इंजीनियर ने पुल बनाने के लिए आवश्यक इस्पात की मात्रा की गणना की।


    12.     Anxiety (व्याकुलता)

    a feeling of worry or unease.

    Example :

    The student felt anxiety before taking the exam.

    परीक्षा देने से पहले छात्र परेशान था।


    13.     Revolve (परिक्रमण करना)

    to move in a circular path around a central point.

    Example :

    The planets revolve around the sun.

    ग्रह सूर्य के चारों ओर घूमते हैं।


    14.     Cosmic (लौकिक)

    relating to the universe or outer space.

    Example :

    The astronaut was fascinated by the cosmic wonders he saw during his space mission.

    अंतरिक्ष यात्री अपने अंतरिक्ष मिशन के दौरान देखे गए लौकिक चमत्कारों से मोहित हो गया था।


    15.     Constancy (स्थिरता)

    the quality of being unchanging or consistent.

    Example :

    The constancy of the North Star's position in the sky made it a reliable navigational aid.

    उत्तर तारे की स्थिति की स्थिरता ने उसे एक विश्वसनीय नेविगेशन सहायक बना दिया।


    16.     Reliable (विश्वसनीय)

    trustworthy and dependable.

    Example :

    The car mechanic was known for his reliable service.

    कार मैकेनिक अपनी विश्वसनीय सेवा के लिए जाना जाता था।


    17.     Marker (निशान)

    a sign or symbol used to indicate a position or direction.

    Example :

    The road sign was a helpful marker for the driver to find the right exit.

    सही निकास खोजने के लिए ड्राइवर के लिए रोड साइन एक मददगार मार्कर था।


    18.     Fascinating  (दिलचस्प)

    extremely interesting or captivating.

    Example :

    The museum exhibit on ancient Egypt was a fascinating experience.

    प्राचीन मिस्र पर संग्रहालय प्रदर्शनी एक आकर्षक अनुभव था।


    19.     Important (महत्वपूर्ण)

    having great significance or value.

    Example :

    Good health is an important factor in leading a happy life.

    सुखी जीवन जीने के लिए अच्छा स्वास्थ्य एक महत्वपूर्ण कारक है।


    20.     Remind (याद दिलाना)

    to bring back to mind or remember something.

    Example :

    The old photograph reminded her of the happy times they had together.

    पुरानी तस्वीर ने उन्हें साथ बिताए सुखद पलों की याद दिला दी।


    21.     Wonders (चमत्कार)

    things that inspire admiration or awe.

    Example :

    The Grand Canyon is one of the natural wonders of the world.

    ग्रांड कैन्यन दुनिया के प्राकृतिक अजूबों में से एक है।


    22.     Universe (ब्रह्मांड)

    all existing matter and space considered as a whole.

    Example :

    Scientists study the universe to understand its origins and evolution.

    वैज्ञानिक ब्रह्मांड की उत्पत्ति और विकास को समझने के लिए इस का अध्ययन करते हैं।


    23.     Innate  (जन्मजात)

    existing from birth, inherent.

    Example :

    The baby had an innate ability to imitate sounds and gestures.

    बच्चे में ध्वनियों और इशारों की नकल करने की जन्मजात क्षमता थी।


    24.     Human (मनुष्य)

    relating to or characteristic of human beings.

    Example :

    Compassion is a human quality that makes us empathize with others.

    दया एक मानव गुण है जो हमें दूसरों के प्रति समवेदनशील बनाता है।


    25.     Curiosity (जिज्ञासा)

    a strong desire to know or learn something.

    Example :

    The child's curiosity led her to explore the world around her.

    बच्चे की जिज्ञासा ने उसे अपने आसपास की दुनिया का पता लगाने के लिए प्रेरित किया।



    1. Polaris - North Star

    2. Ages - centuries, eras

    3. Navigate - steer, direct

    4. Seas - oceans, waters

    5. Modern - contemporary, present-day

    6. Calculate - determine, ascertain

    7. Latitude - position, coordinates

    8. North - northern, northerly

    9. South - southern, southerly

    10. East - eastern, easterly

    11. West - western, westerly

    12. Guiding - leading, directing

    13. Stay on course - remain on track, keep to the right path

    14. Destinations - destinations, goals

    15. Spot - identify, locate

    16. Hide - conceal, obscure

    17. Reappeared - emerged, resurfaced

    18. Cool - fascinating, impressive

    19. Revolve - rotate, orbit

    20. Lost - disoriented, confused


    Choose the right word for the given words

    1. What does the word "navigate" mean in the context of the article?

    a) Travel by sea

    b) Calculate latitude

    c) Stay on course

    d) Find their way


    2. What does the word "latitude" refer to in the article?

    a) The angle between Polaris and the horizon

    b) The distance between two points on a map

    c) The location on the vast ocean

    d) The handle of the Big Dipper


    3. What is the meaning of the word "constancy" in the article?

    a) Reliability

    b) Brightness

    c) Revolution

    d) Hidden


    4. What does the word "eagerly" mean in the article?

    a) Patiently

    b) Anxiously

    c) Happily

    d) Reluctantly


    5. What is the meaning of the word "revolve" in the context of the article?

    a) Hide

    b) Move quickly

    c) Rotate

    d) Appear


    6. What does the word "cosmic" mean in the article?

    a) Related to the universe

    b) Relating to storms

    c) Connected to sailors

    d) Signifying importance


    7. What does the word "marker" refer to in the article?

    a) A person who guides

    b) An important symbol

    c) A tool for measurement

    d) A celestial object


    8. What is the meaning of the word "constancy" in the article?

    a) Brightness

    b) Movement

    c) Change

    d) Steadiness


    9. What does the word "innate" mean in the context of the article?

    a) Curious

    b) Hidden

    c) Learned

    d) Inborn


    10. What is the meaning of the word "challenging" in the article?

    a) Easy

    b) Exciting

    c) Difficult

    d) Adventurous


    Answers of MCQs

    1. d) Find their way

    2. c) The location on the vast ocean

    3. a) Reliability

    4. b) Anxiously

    5. c) Rotate

    6. a) Related to the universe

    7. b) An important symbol

    8. d) Steadiness

    9. d) Inborn

    10. c) Difficult Top of Form



    The North Star

    Polaris, also known as the North Star, is a special star that has been helping people find their way for ages. Sailors, in particular, have relied on Polaris to navigate the seas before modern tools were invented.

    Long ago, sailors would look for Polaris from the top of their ships to figure out where they were on the vast ocean. They would measure the angle between Polaris and the horizon to calculate their latitude, and determine which way was North, South, East, or West. Polaris was their guiding light, helping them stay on course and reach their destinations.

    But Polaris wasn't always easy to spot. Stormy weather and dark clouds could hide the North Star, leaving sailors feeling lost and anxious. They would eagerly wait for the clouds to clear, and when Polaris reappeared, it was a great relief. Even today, sailors sometimes choose to rely on Polaris on clear nights to make sure they're going in the right direction.

    One of the coolest things about Polaris is its relationship with the Big Dipper, a popular constellation. The Big Dipper appears to revolve around Polaris, with its handle always pointing towards the North Star. It's like a cosmic compass in the sky, making it easy for sailors and travelers to find their way. This simple and reliable celestial marker has helped countless people get back on track when they were lost.

    In conclusion, Polaris, the North Star, has been a trusted guide for sailors and travelers throughout history. Its constancy in the night sky, along with its connection to the Big Dipper, has made it a reliable compass that has helped people find their way, even in challenging situations. Polaris continues to be a fascinating and important star that reminds us of the wonders of the universe and our innate human curiosity to explore and understand the world around us.




    Ravi: Have you ever heard about Polaris, also known as the North Star?

    Priya: Yes, I have. It's a special star that has helped people find their way for ages, right?

    Aarav: Absolutely! Sailors, in particular, used to rely on Polaris to navigate the seas before modern tools were invented.

    Ravi: That's fascinating. I read that sailors would look for Polaris from the top of their ships to figure out their location on the vast ocean.

    Priya: Yes, they would measure the angle between Polaris and the horizon to calculate their latitude and determine the directions—North, South, East, or West.

    Aarav: Polaris was like their guiding light, assisting them in staying on course and reaching their destinations.

    Ravi: It must have been challenging when Polaris wasn't easy to spot. Stormy weather and dark clouds could hide the North Star, leaving sailors feeling lost and anxious.


    Priya: Definitely. I can imagine how eagerly they must have waited for the clouds to clear, and when Polaris reappeared, it brought them great relief.


    Aarav: Even today, some sailors choose to rely on Polaris on clear nights to ensure they're going in the right direction.


    Ravi: One of the coolest things about Polaris is its relationship with the Big Dipper, right? The Big Dipper seems to revolve around Polaris, like a cosmic compass in the sky.


    Priya: Absolutely! The handle of the Big Dipper always points towards the North Star, making it easy for sailors and travelers to find their way.


    Aarav: It's fascinating how such a simple and reliable celestial marker has helped countless people get back on track when they were lost.


    Ravi: Polaris, the North Star, has truly been a trusted guide for sailors and travelers throughout history.


    Priya: Its constancy in the night sky, along with its connection to the Big Dipper, has made it a reliable compass even in challenging situations.


    Aarav: Polaris continues to be an important star, reminding us of the wonders of the universe and our innate human curiosity to explore and understand the world around us.


    Answer the following questions : (Know how to ask questions)

    1. What is Polaris also known as?

    Answer: The North Star.

    2. Who has relied on Polaris for navigation?

    Answer: Sailors.


    3. How did sailors use Polaris to determine their location on the ocean?

    Answer: They measured the angle between Polaris and the horizon to calculate their latitude.


    4. What directions could sailors determine by using Polaris?

    Answer: North, South, East, or West.


    5. What did Polaris serve as for sailors?

    Answer: Their guiding light.


    6. What could hide Polaris and make sailors feel lost?

    Answer: Stormy weather and dark clouds.


    7. What did sailors eagerly wait for during such situations?

    Answer: The clouds to clear.


    8. What was the relief sailors felt when Polaris reappeared?

    Answer: A great relief.


    9. On what occasions do sailors still choose to rely on Polaris?

    Answer: Clear nights when they want to ensure they're going in the right direction.


    10. What popular constellation is closely related to Polaris?

    Answer: The Big Dipper.


    11. How does the Big Dipper appear to move in relation to Polaris?

    Answer: It appears to revolve around Polaris.


    12. In what direction does the handle of the Big Dipper always point?

    Answer: Towards the North Star.


    13. What does the relationship between Polaris and the Big Dipper create?

    Answer: A cosmic compass in the sky.


    14. What has the simple celestial marker helped countless people do?

    Answer: Get back on track when they were lost.


    15. How has Polaris been a guide throughout history?

    Answer: It has been a trusted guide for sailors and travelers.


    16. What has made Polaris a reliable compass?

    Answer: Its constancy in the night sky and its connection to the Big Dipper.


    17. What does Polaris remind us of?

    Answer: The wonders of the universe.


    18. What is one of the roles of Polaris mentioned in the article?

    Answer: Helping people find their way.


    19. What did sailors measure to calculate their latitude?

    Answer: The angle between Polaris and the horizon.

    20. What has Polaris been helping people do for ages?

    Answer: Find their way.Top of Form

    Top of Form


    Tags : daily use vocabulary words with meaning, impressive vocabulary words, english vocabulary words with meaning in hindi, english vocabulary words pdf, translate english to hindi, translate in hindi, translate hindi into English, translate in English, translation english to hindi, translation in hindi, translation hindi into English, translation to English, Hindi-Man, hindiman, hindi man, 

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