Cyclone Biparjoy Threatens Gujarat Coast : Red Alert and Preparations Underway

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यदि आप सही words का सही जगह इस्तेमाल करना सीखना चाहते हैं या कह लीजिए कि आप English vocabulary सही तरीके से इस्तेमाल करना देखना चाहते हैं, तो आप बिल्कुल सही जगह आएं इस NEWS की मदद से हम english के कुछ words को day to day life में इस्तेमाल करना सीखेंगे

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NEWS "Cyclone Biparjoy Threatens Gujarat Coast : Red Alert and Preparations Underway" को पढ़ने के लिए खुद को तैयार करते हैं इस NEWS में इस्तेमाल होने वाले कुछ words की जानकारी लेंगे उसके बाद NEWS पढ़ेंगे, फिर उसके बाद प्रश्नों को पूछना सीखेंगे और उनका उत्तर देना भी सीखेंगे

    Useful Words

    1. Accommodate (समायोजित करना)

    Meaning - To provide lodging or make room for someone or something.

    The hotel was able to accommodate all of our guests during the conference.
    सम्मेलन के दौरान होटल हमारे सभी मेहमानों को समायोजित करने में सक्षम था।

    2. Alert (चेतावनी)

    Meaning - A warning or notification of a potential danger or threat.

    I received an alert on my phone about the traffic congestion ahead.
    मुझे अपने फोन पर आगे ट्रैफिक जाम के बारे में अलर्ट मिला।

    3. Brace (अपने आप को तैयार करना)

    Meaning - To prepare or make oneself ready for a challenging situation.

    I need to brace myself for the upcoming job interview.
    मुझे आगामी जॉब इंटरव्यू के लिए खुद को तैयार करने की जरूरत है।

    4. Cross (पार करना)

    Meaning - To go from one side to another or move across something.

    We need to wait for the pedestrian signal before we can cross the street
    सड़क पार करने से पहले हमें पैदल यात्री सिग्नल की प्रतीक्षा करनी होगी।

    5. Cyclone (चक्रवात)

    Meaning - A large-scale atmospheric system characterized by rotating winds and a low-pressure center.

    The cyclone caused significant damage to the coastal areas.
    चक्रवात से तटीय इलाकों में काफी नुकसान हुआ है।

    6. Danger (खतरा)

    Meaning - The possibility of harm, injury, or adverse consequences.

    It's important to be aware of the dangers associated with extreme sports.
    चरम खेलों से जुड़े खतरों से अवगत होना महत्वपूर्ण है।

    7. Efforts (प्रयास)

    Meaning - Actions or attempts made to achieve a particular goal or result.

    The team put in great efforts to complete the project on time.
    टीम ने परियोजना को समय पर पूरा करने के लिए काफी प्रयास किए।

    8. Ensure (सुनिश्चित करना)

    Meaning - To make certain or guarantee something.

    Double-check your passport to ensure you have it before leaving for the airport.
    हवाई अड्डे के लिए रवाना होने से पहले यह सुनिश्चित करने के लिए अपने पासपोर्ट की दोबारा जांच करें कि आपके पास यह है।

    9. Focus (फोकस)

    Meaning - Concentrated attention or effort on a specific subject or task.

    I need to improve my ability to maintain focus during long meetings.
    मुझे लंबी मीटिंग्स के दौरान फोकस बनाए रखने की अपनी क्षमता में सुधार करने की जरूरत है।

    10. Gusts (झोंका)

    Meaning - Sudden, strong bursts of wind.

    The gusts of wind knocked over the tree branches during the storm.
    आंधी के दौरान तेज हवा के झोंकों ने पेड़ की टहनियों को गिरा दिया।

    11. Halt (पड़ाव)

    Meaning - To bring or come to a stop or pause.

    The construction work had to halt due to a lack of funding.
    पैसे के अभाव में निर्माण कार्य को रोकना पड़ा।

    12. Impact (प्रभाव)

    Meaning - The effect or influence that something has on a situation, person, or thing.

    The new regulations will have a significant impact on the company's operations.
    नए नियमों का कंपनी के संचालन पर महत्वपूर्ण प्रभाव पड़ेगा।

    13. Intensified (तीव्र होना)

    Meaning - Increased in degree or strength.

    The conflict between the two countries intensified after the border incident.
    सीमा पर हुई घटना के बाद दोनों देशों के बीच तनातनी तेज हो गई।

    14. Minimizing (कम से कम)

    Meaning - Reducing to the smallest possible degree or extent.

    I'm trying to minimize my expenses by cutting unnecessary costs.
    मैं अनावश्यक खर्चों में कटौती करके अपने खर्चों को कम करने की कोशिश कर रहा हूँ।

    15. Pose (खड़ा करना)

    Meaning - To present or constitute a threat, problem, or danger.

    The icy road conditions pose a risk to drivers during the winter months.
    सर्दियों के महीनों के दौरान बर्फीली सड़क की स्थिति वाहन चालकों के लिए जोखिम पैदा करती है।

    16. Priority (प्राथमिकता)

    Meaning - Something that is regarded as more important or deserving of attention than others.

    Safety should always be our top priority in any situation.
    किसी भी स्थिति में सुरक्षा हमेशा हमारी सर्वोच्च प्राथमिकता होनी चाहिए।

    17. Reducing (कमी)

    Meaning - Making something smaller or less in size, amount, or degree.

    I am reducing my sugar intake to improve my overall health.
    मैं अपने संपूर्ण स्वास्थ्य को बेहतर बनाने के लिए चीनी का सेवन कम कर रहा हूं।

    18. Relocated (स्थानांतरित करना)

    Meaning - Moved to a different place or position.

    Due to the renovation, the employees were temporarily relocated to another office.
    नवीनीकरण के कारण, कर्मचारियों को अस्थायी रूप से दूसरे कार्यालय में स्थानांतरित कर दिया गया था।

    19. Safety (सुरक्षा)

    Meaning - The condition of being protected from harm, danger, or injury.

    Always wear a helmet for your safety while riding a bike.
    बाइक चलाते समय हमेशा अपनी सुरक्षा के लिए हेलमेट पहनें।

    20. Swift (तीव्र)

    Meaning - Happening or done quickly or promptly.

    We need to take swift action to address the customer's complaint.
    हमें ग्राहक की शिकायत को दूर करने के लिए त्वरित कार्रवाई करने की आवश्यकता है।



    1. Cyclone:

       - Synonyms: hurricane, typhoon


    2. Severe:

       - Synonyms: intense, extreme


    3. Threat:

       - Synonyms: danger, peril


    4. Intensified:

       - Synonyms: escalated, heightened


    5. Demolished:

       - Synonyms: destroyed, razed


    6. Halted:

       - Synonyms: stopped, ceased


    7. Triggering:

       - Synonyms: initiating, setting off


    8. Red alert:

       - Synonyms: high alert, warning


    9. Deployed:

       - Synonyms: stationed, positioned


    10. Brace:

        - Synonyms: prepare, ready


    11. Relocated:

        - Synonyms: moved, transferred


    12. Shelters:

        - Synonyms: refuges, havens


    13. Reviewed:

        - Synonyms: examined, assessed


    14. Vigilant:

        - Synonyms: watchful, alert


    15. Ensuring:

        - Synonyms: guaranteeing, securing


    16. Minimizing:

        - Synonyms: reducing, lessening


    17. Efforts:

        - Synonyms: endeavors, attempts


    18. Swift:

        - Synonyms: rapid, quick


    19. Protect:

        - Synonyms: safeguard, defend


    20. Focus:

        - Synonyms: concentration, attention



    1. Severe:

       - Antonym: mild


    2. Triggering:

       - Antonym: preventing


    3. Red alert:

       - Antonym: green alert


    4. Significant:

       - Antonym: insignificant


    5. Intensified:

       - Antonym: decreased


    6. Ensuring:

       - Antonym: neglecting


    7. Halted:

       - Antonym: continued


    8. Brace:

       - Antonym: unprepared


    9. Deployed:

       - Antonym: recalled


    10. Relocated:

        - Antonym: stationary


    11. Vigilant:

        - Antonym: unaware


    12. Reviewed:

        - Antonym: ignored


    13. Swift:

        - Antonym: slow


    14. Minimizing:

        - Antonym: maximizing


    15. Protect:

        - Antonym: endanger


    16. Focus:

        - Antonym: distract


    17. Well-being:

        - Antonym: distress


    18. Accustomed:

        - Antonym: unaccustomed


    19. Approaches:

        - Antonym: retreats


    20. Emergency:

        - Antonym: routine


    Choose the right word for the given words :

    1. What is the meaning of "adjacent" in the given context?

       a) Faraway

       b) Close by

       c) Dangerous

       d) Predictable



    2. What does the word "intensified" mean in the article?

       a) Weakened

       b) Decreased

       c) Strengthened

       d) Subsided



    3. "Vigilant" in the passage means:

       a) Careless

       b) Lazy

       c) Alert

       d) Sleepy



    4. What is the meaning of "relocated" as used in the article?

       a) Disappeared

       b) Stopped

       c) Moved

       d) Destroyed



    5. What does "prioritize" mean in the given context?

       a) Delay

       b) Ignore

       c) Rank in order of importance

       d) Postpone



    6. What is the meaning of "halted" in the passage?

       a) Continued

       b) Accelerated

       c) Stopped

       d) Reversed



    7. "Demolished" in the article means:

       a) Built

       b) Destroyed

       c) Modified

       d) Examined



    8. What does "brace" signify in the given context?

       a) Prepare

       b) Neglect

       c) Avoid

       d) Encourage




    9. What is the meaning of "underway" as used in the article?

       a) Finished

       b) Halted

       c) In progress

       d) Postponed



    10. What does "focus" mean in the given passage?

        a) Distract

        b) Worry

        c) Concentrate

        d) Forget


    Answers of MCQs

    1.  b) Close by

    2.  c) Strengthened

    3.   c) Alert

    4.  c) Moved

    5.  c) Rank in order of importance

    6.  c) Stopped

    7.   b) Destroyed

    8.  a) Prepare

    9.   c) In progress

    10.   c) Concentrate



    Cyclone Biparjoy Threatens Gujarat Coast : Red Alert and Preparations Underway

    A severe cyclone named 'Biparjoy' is on its way to the Saurashtra and Kutch coasts in Gujarat, triggering a Red alert from the India Meteorological Department (IMD). Expected to cross the region and adjacent parts of Pakistan by June 15, the cyclone poses a significant threat. With wind speeds reaching 125-135 kmph and gusts up to 150 kmph, it has intensified into a "very severe" cyclonic storm.


    To ensure safety, an unsafe relay tower in Rajkot was demolished, and a new one will be built later. Fishing has been halted, resulting in numerous boats being grounded at Jakhau Port. Gujarat has deployed 12 NDRF teams to brace for the cyclone's impact.


    Prime Minister Narendra Modi reviewed the preparations and urged officials to remain vigilant and take necessary actions. In Junagadh, coastal residents are being relocated to shelters. Additionally, over 400 shelter homes have been identified in Dwarka, Gujarat, to accommodate people during the cyclone.


    Efforts are underway to protect the affected areas and prioritize the well-being of residents. As cyclone 'Biparjoy' approaches, the focus is on minimizing potential risks and ensuring a swift response to any emergencies.




    Person A: Have you heard about the cyclone 'Biparjoy' heading towards the Saurashtra and Kutch coasts in Gujarat?


    Person B: Yes, it's quite alarming. The India Meteorological Department has issued a Red alert for the region.


    Person C: That's serious. When is the cyclone expected to cross the area?


    Person A: It's estimated to reach the region and adjacent parts of Pakistan by June 15. The cyclone poses a significant threat with wind speeds of 125-135 kmph and gusts up to 150 kmph.


    Person B: I heard they had to demolish an unsafe relay tower in Rajkot to ensure everyone's safety.


    Person C: That's a necessary step. They should prioritize building a new one later. I hope they manage to do it quickly.


    Person A: Fishing has been halted due to the cyclone, resulting in numerous boats being grounded at Jakhau Port.


    Person B: It's crucial to take precautions and protect lives. I'm glad to know that Gujarat has deployed 12 NDRF teams to brace for the cyclone's impact.


    Person C: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has reviewed the preparations and urged officials to stay vigilant and take necessary actions. Safety should be the top priority.


    Person A: Absolutely. In Junagadh, coastal residents are being relocated to shelters to ensure their well-being.


    Person B: It's good to hear that shelter homes have been identified in Dwarka to accommodate people during the cyclone. Over 400 of them!


    Person C: Efforts are underway to protect the affected areas and minimize potential risks. We need to ensure a swift response to any emergencies that may arise.


    Person A: As the cyclone 'Biparjoy' approaches, it's crucial to stay informed and follow the instructions from the authorities to stay safe.


    Person B: Yes, we must prioritize our safety and be prepared for any situation that may arise. Let's hope for the best and take all necessary precautions.


    Person C: Absolutely. Let's stay updated and support each other during this challenging time. Our unity and cooperation will make a difference.


    Answer the following questions : (Know how to ask questions)

    1. What is the name of the cyclone heading towards the Saurashtra and Kutch coasts in Gujarat?

       Answer: Biparjoy


    2. What alert has been triggered by the India Meteorological Department (IMD)?

       Answer: Red alert


    3. When is the cyclone expected to cross the region and adjacent parts of Pakistan?

       Answer: By June 15


    4. What is the wind speed range mentioned in the article?

       Answer: 125-135 kmph


    5. What is the maximum gust speed mentioned in the article?

       Answer: 150 kmph


    6. What term is used to describe the intensity of the cyclonic storm?

       Answer: Very severe


    7. Which city had an unsafe relay tower that was demolished?

       Answer: Rajkot


    8. What action will be taken regarding the relay tower?

       Answer: A new one will be built later.


    9. What activity has been halted due to the cyclone?

       Answer: Fishing


    10. Where are numerous boats grounded as a result of the fishing halt?

        Answer: Jakhau Port


    11. How many NDRF teams has Gujarat deployed to brace for the cyclone's impact?

        Answer: 12


    12. Who reviewed the preparations for the cyclone?

        Answer: Prime Minister Narendra Modi


    13. What did the Prime Minister urge officials to do?

        Answer: Remain vigilant and take necessary actions


    14. Where are coastal residents being relocated to?

        Answer: Shelters in Junagadh


    15. How many shelter homes have been identified in Dwarka, Gujarat?

        Answer: Over 400


    16. What is the focus of the efforts underway to protect the affected areas?

        Answer: Minimizing potential risks


    17. What is the aim regarding the well-being of residents?

        Answer: Prioritizing it


    18. What is the current focus as cyclone 'Biparjoy' approaches?

        Answer: Ensuring a swift response to emergencies


    19. What is the main goal of the authorities in relation to the cyclone?

        Answer: Safety and protection of residents


    20. What is the significance of the Red alert from IMD?

        Answer: It indicates the severity of the cyclone and the need for immediate precautions.


    Word Building

    1. From adjectives to verbs

    (i) Adjective: Severe

       Verb: Sever (संघटित करना)

       Hindi Meaning: कटाव करना, अलग करना

       English Example Sentence (Adjective): The severe cyclone caused widespread damage.

       English Example Sentence (Verb): The crew decided to sever the damaged cable to prevent further problems.


    (ii) Adjective: Red

        Verb: Redden (लाल हो जाना)

        Hindi Meaning: लाल होना, लाल रंग में हो जाना

        English Example Sentence (Adjective): The meteorological department issued a red alert for the cyclone.

        English Example Sentence (Verb): Her cheeks began to redden with embarrassment.


    (iii) Adjective: Severe

          Verb: Intensify (तीव्र करना)

          Hindi Meaning: बढ़ाना, अधिक करना

          English Example Sentence (Adjective): The cyclone intensified into a severe storm.

          English Example Sentence (Verb): The wind began to intensify as the storm approached.


    (iv) Adjective: Very

         Verb: Vary (बदलना)

         Hindi Meaning: अलग होना, बदलना

         English Example Sentence (Adjective): The cyclone was categorized as a very severe storm.

         English Example Sentence (Verb): The prices of vegetables can vary depending on the season.


    (v) Adjective: Necessary

        Verb: Necessitate (आवश्यक बनाना)

        Hindi Meaning: आवश्यक बनाना, अपेक्षित बनाना

        English Example Sentence (Adjective): Prime Minister Modi urged officials to take necessary actions.

        English Example Sentence (Verb): The increase in population necessitated the construction of more schools.


    2. From nouns to verbs

    (i) Noun: Threat

        Verb: Threaten (धमकाना)

        Hindi Meaning: धमकाना, खतरे में डालना

        English Example Sentence (Noun): The cyclone poses a significant threat to the coastal regions.

        English Example Sentence (Verb): The dark clouds threatened to unleash a powerful storm.


    (ii) Noun: Alert

        Verb: Alert (चेतावनी देना)

        Hindi Meaning: चेतावनी देना, सतर्क करना

        English Example Sentence (Noun): The India Meteorological Department issued a red alert for the cyclone.

        English Example Sentence (Verb): The security guard alerted everyone about the suspicious activity.


    (iii) Noun: Impact

          Verb: Impact (प्रभावित करना)

          Hindi Meaning: प्रभावित करना, असर डालना

          English Example Sentence (Noun): Gujarat has deployed NDRF teams to brace for the cyclone's impact.

          English Example Sentence (Verb): The news of the accident impacted the entire community.


    (iv) Noun: Demolition

         Verb: Demolish (तोड़ना)

         Hindi Meaning: तोड़ना, ध्वस्त करना

         English Example Sentence (Noun): An unsafe relay tower in Rajkot underwent demolition.

         English Example Sentence (Verb): They decided to demolish the old building to make way for a new one.


    (v) Noun: Accommodation

        Verb: Accommodate (आवास प्रदान करना)

        Hindi Meaning: आवास प्रदान करना, समायोजित करना

        English Example Sentence (Noun): Over 400 shelter homes have been identified in Dwarka to accommodate people during the cyclone.

        English Example Sentence (Verb): The hotel was able to accommodate all the guests for the conference.


    3. From verbs to nouns

    (i) Verb: Trigger (होने का कारण बनना)

        Noun: Trigger (कारण)

        Hindi Meaning (Verb): शुरू करना, प्रारंभ करना

        Hindi Meaning (Noun): कारण, ट्रिगर

        English Example Sentence (Verb): The cyclone triggered a red alert from the IMD.

        English Example Sentence (Noun): The trigger for the evacuation was the approaching cyclone.


    (ii) Verb: Halt (रुकना)

         Noun: Halt (रुकावट)

         Hindi Meaning (Verb): रुकना, ठहरना

         Hindi Meaning (Noun): रुकावट, ठहराव

         English Example Sentence (Verb): Fishing has been halted due to the cyclone.

         English Example Sentence (Noun): The traffic came to a halt as the storm hit.


    (iii) Verb: Deploy (तैनात करना)

          Noun: Deployment (तैनाती)

          Hindi Meaning (Verb): तैनात करना, नियुक्त करना

          Hindi Meaning (Noun): तैनाती, नियुक्ति

          English Example Sentence (Verb): Gujarat has deployed NDRF teams to brace for the cyclone's impact.

          English Example Sentence (Noun): The deployment of troops helped maintain law and order.


    (iv) Verb: Ensure (सुनिश्चित करना)

         Noun: Assurance (आश्वासन)

         Hindi Meaning (Verb): सुनिश्चित करना, गारंटी देना

         Hindi Meaning (Noun): आश्वासन, विश्वास

         English Example Sentence (Verb): Efforts are underway to ensure the safety of residents.

         English Example Sentence (Noun): The manager gave assurance that the issue would be resolved.


    (v) Verb: Prioritize (प्राथमिकता देना)

        Noun: Priority (प्राथमिकता)

        Hindi Meaning (Verb): प्राथमिकता देना, महत्व देना

        Hindi Meaning (Noun): प्राथमिकता, महत्व

        English Example Sentence (Verb): The well-being of residents is prioritized during the cyclone.

        English Example Sentence (Noun): Safety is our top priority in this situation.


    4. From adjectives to nouns

    (i) Adjective: Severe

        Noun: Severity (तीव्रता)

        Hindi Meaning (Adjective): तीव्र, कठोर

        Hindi Meaning (Noun): तीव्रता, कठोरता

        English Example Sentence (Adjective): The cyclone was classified as severe by the meteorological department.

        English Example Sentence (Noun): The severity of the cyclone caused extensive damage to the coastal regions.


    (ii) Adjective: Red

         Noun: Redness (लालता)

         Hindi Meaning (Adjective): लाल, रक्तिम

         Hindi Meaning (Noun): लालता, रक्तिमता

         English Example Sentence (Adjective): The red alert was issued to warn the residents about the approaching cyclone.

         English Example Sentence (Noun): The redness of the sky indicated the imminent arrival of the cyclone.


    (iii) Adjective: Significant

          Noun: Significance (महत्व)

          Hindi Meaning (Adjective): महत्वपूर्ण, प्रमुख

          Hindi Meaning (Noun): महत्व, प्रामुख्य

          English Example Sentence (Adjective): The cyclone poses a significant threat to the coastal areas.

          English Example Sentence (Noun): The significance of early warning systems became evident during the cyclone.


    (iv) Adjective: Very

         Noun: Vastness (विशालता)

         Hindi Meaning (Adjective): बहुत, अत्यधिक

         Hindi Meaning (Noun): विशालता, असीमता

         English Example Sentence (Adjective): The cyclone intensified into a very severe storm.

         English Example Sentence (Noun): The vastness of the affected region required extensive relief efforts.


    (v) Adjective: Necessary

        Noun: Necessity (आवश्यकता)

        Hindi Meaning (Adjective): आवश्यक, अपेक्षित

        Hindi Meaning (Noun): आवश्यकता, अपेक्षा

        English Example Sentence (Adjective): Taking necessary actions is crucial to minimize the impact of the cyclone.

        English Example Sentence (Noun): The necessity of evacuation became evident as the cyclone approached.


    5. From nouns to adjectives

    (i) Noun: Cyclone (तूफ़ान)

        Adjective: Cyclonic (तूफ़ानी)

        Hindi Meaning (Noun): तूफ़ान, चक्रवात

        Hindi Meaning (Adjective): तूफ़ानी, चक्रवाती

        English Example Sentence (Noun): The cyclone 'Biparjoy' is approaching the coastal regions of Gujarat.

        English Example Sentence (Adjective): The cyclonic winds caused massive destruction in the affected areas.


    (ii) Noun: Alert (चेतावनी)

         Adjective: Alert (चौकस)

         Hindi Meaning (Noun): चेतावनी, अलर्ट

         Hindi Meaning (Adjective): चौकस, सतर्क

         English Example Sentence (Noun): The Red alert was issued to warn the residents about the approaching cyclone.

         English Example Sentence (Adjective): The alert officials took quick action to evacuate the coastal areas.


    (iii) Noun: Threat (ख़तरा)

          Adjective: Threatening (ख़तरनाक)

          Hindi Meaning (Noun): ख़तरा, धमकी

          Hindi Meaning (Adjective): ख़तरनाक, डरावना

          English Example Sentence (Noun): The cyclone poses a significant threat to the coastal areas.

          English Example Sentence (Adjective): The threatening weather conditions forced people to take shelter.


    (iv) Noun: Safety (सुरक्षा)

         Adjective: Safe (सुरक्षित)

         Hindi Meaning (Noun): सुरक्षा, रक्षा

         Hindi Meaning (Adjective): सुरक्षित, निर्भय

         English Example Sentence (Noun): Efforts are being made to ensure the safety of residents during the cyclone.

         English Example Sentence (Adjective): Seek shelter in a safe location until the storm passes.


    (v) Noun: Focus (ध्यान)

        Adjective: Focused (ध्यानित)

        Hindi Meaning (Noun): ध्यान, लक्ष्य

        Hindi Meaning (Adjective): ध्यानित, समर्पित

        English Example Sentence (Noun): The focus is on minimizing potential risks during the cyclone.

        English Example Sentence (Adjective): The focused efforts of the rescue teams saved many lives.


    6. From verbs to adjectives

    (i) Verb: Intensify (तीव्र करना)

        Adjective: Intense (तीव्र)

        Hindi Meaning (Verb): तीव्र करना, बढ़ाना

        Hindi Meaning (Adjective): तीव्र, अत्यधिक

        English Example Sentence (Verb): The cyclone has intensified into a very severe storm.

        English Example Sentence (Adjective): The intense winds caused widespread damage to the coastal areas.


    (ii) Verb: Halt (रोकना)

         Adjective: Halted (रुका हुआ)

         Hindi Meaning (Verb): रोकना, ठहराना

         Hindi Meaning (Adjective): रुका हुआ, ठहरा हुआ

         English Example Sentence (Verb): Fishing has been halted due to the approaching cyclone.

         English Example Sentence (Adjective): The halted boats remained grounded at the port.


    (iii) Verb: Deploy (तैनात करना)

          Adjective: Deployed (तैनात)

          Hindi Meaning (Verb): तैनात करना, नियुक्त करना

          Hindi Meaning (Adjective): तैनात, नियुक्त

          English Example Sentence (Verb): Gujarat has deployed 12 NDRF teams to brace for the cyclone's impact.

          English Example Sentence (Adjective): The deployed teams are ready to respond to any emergencies.


    (iv) Verb: Relocate (स्थानांतरित करना)

         Adjective: Relocated (स्थानांतरित)

         Hindi Meaning (Verb): स्थानांतरित करना, पुनः वास करना

         Hindi Meaning (Adjective): स्थानांतरित, पुनर्वासित

         English Example Sentence (Verb): Coastal residents are being relocated to shelters for their safety.

         English Example Sentence (Adjective): The relocated families found shelter in the designated locations.


    (v) Verb: Protect (सुरक्षित रखना)

        Adjective: Protected (सुरक्षित)

        Hindi Meaning (Verb): सुरक्षित रखना, बचाना

        Hindi Meaning (Adjective): सुरक्षित, रक्षित

        English Example Sentence (Verb): Efforts are underway to protect the affected areas from the cyclone's impact.

        English Example Sentence (Adjective): The protected areas experienced minimal damage during the storm.


    7. From nouns to nouns

    (i) Noun: Cyclone (तूफान)

        Noun Form: Cyclonic (तूफानी)

        Hindi Meaning (Noun): तूफान, चक्रवात

        Hindi Meaning (Noun Form): तूफानी, चक्रवाती

        English Example Sentence (Noun): The cyclone caused extensive damage to the coastal areas.

        English Example Sentence (Noun Form): The cyclonic winds intensified as the storm approached.


    (ii) Noun: Threat (खतरा)

         Noun Form: Threatening (खतरे में)

         Hindi Meaning (Noun): खतरा, आशंका

         Hindi Meaning (Noun Form): खतरे में, डरावने

         English Example Sentence (Noun): The cyclone poses a significant threat to the coastal regions.

         English Example Sentence (Noun Form): The threatening storm led to the evacuation of the residents.


    (iii) Noun: Safety (सुरक्षा)

          Noun Form: Safe (सुरक्षित)

          Hindi Meaning (Noun): सुरक्षा, निरापत्ता

          Hindi Meaning (Noun Form): सुरक्षित, निरापत्त

          English Example Sentence (Noun): Measures were taken to ensure the safety of the people during the cyclone.

          English Example Sentence (Noun Form): The safe evacuation of the residents was prioritized.


    (iv) Noun: Alert (चेतावनी)

         Noun Form: Alertness (चेतना)

         Hindi Meaning (Noun): चेतावनी, सतर्कता

         Hindi Meaning (Noun Form): चेतना, सतर्कता

         English Example Sentence (Noun): The Red alert was issued by the India Meteorological Department.

         English Example Sentence (Noun Form): The alertness of the officials played a crucial role in the preparedness.


    (v) Noun: Impact (प्रभाव)

        Noun Form: Impacted (प्रभावित)

        Hindi Meaning (Noun): प्रभाव, प्रभावित

        Hindi Meaning (Noun Form): प्रभावित, प्रभावित

        English Example Sentence (Noun): Gujarat deployed NDRF teams to brace for the cyclone's impact.

        English Example Sentence (Noun Form): The impacted areas required immediate relief and rehabilitation.


    8. From adjectives to adverbs

    (i) Adjective: Severe (तीव्र)

        Adverb Form: Severely (तीव्रता से)

        Hindi Meaning (Adjective): तीव्र, कठोर

        Hindi Meaning (Adverb): तीव्रता से, कठोरता से

        English Example Sentence (Adjective): The severe cyclone caused widespread destruction.

        English Example Sentence (Adverb): The area was severely affected by the cyclone.


    (ii) Adjective: Significant (महत्वपूर्ण)

         Adverb Form: Significantly (महत्वपूर्णता से)

         Hindi Meaning (Adjective): महत्वपूर्ण, प्रमुख

         Hindi Meaning (Adverb): महत्वपूर्णता से, प्रमुखता से

         English Example Sentence (Adjective): The cyclone poses a significant threat to the coastal areas.

         English Example Sentence (Adverb): The response efforts were significantly improved after the alert.


    (iii) Adjective: Swift (तेज)

          Adverb Form: Swiftly (तेजी से)

          Hindi Meaning (Adjective): तेज, शीघ्र

          Hindi Meaning (Adverb): तेजी से, शीघ्रता से

          English Example Sentence (Adjective): A swift response is necessary during emergencies.

          English Example Sentence (Adverb): The rescue team acted swiftly to save the stranded residents.


    (iv) Adjective: Necessary (आवश्यक)

         Adverb Form: Necessarily (आवश्यकता से)

         Hindi Meaning (Adjective): आवश्यक, अनिवार्य

         Hindi Meaning (Adverb): आवश्यकता से, अनिवार्यता से

         English Example Sentence (Adjective): Necessary actions must be taken to ensure safety.

         English Example Sentence (Adverb): The precautions were necessarily implemented to protect the residents.


    (v) Adjective: Immediate (तत्काल)

        Adverb Form: Immediately (तत्कालता से)

        Hindi Meaning (Adjective): तत्काल, तुरंत

        Hindi Meaning (Adverb): तत्कालता से, तुरंतता से

        English Example Sentence (Adjective): Immediate relief measures were initiated for the affected areas.

        English Example Sentence (Adverb): The authorities responded immediately to the emergency situation.

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