Twelve Months

Learn english with the help of this story "Twelve Months"

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यदि आप सही words का सही जगह इस्तेमाल करना सीखना चाहते हैं या कह लीजिए कि आप English vocabulary सही तरीके से इस्तेमाल करना देखना चाहते हैं, तो आप बिल्कुल सही जगह आएं इस कहानी की मदद से हम english के कुछ words को day to day life में इस्तेमाल करना सीखेंगे

आइए, पहले हम इस कहानी "Twelve Months" को पढ़ने के लिए खुद को तैयार करते हैं इस कहानी में इस्तेमाल होने वाले कुछ words की जानकारी लेंगे उसके बाद कहानी पढ़ेंगे, फिर उसके बाद प्रश्नों को पूछना सीखेंगे और उनका उत्तर देना भी सीखेंगे

    H1. Useful Words

    1. Reluctant (अनिच्छुक)

    unwilling or hesitant to do something.

    She was reluctant to attend the party, but her friends persuaded her to go.

    वह पार्टी में शामिल होने के लिए अनिच्छुक थी, लेकिन उसके दोस्तों ने उसे जाने के लिए मना लिया।


    2.      Frigid (बेहद ठंडा)

    extremely cold.

    The frigid winter weather made it difficult to go outside.

    कड़ाके की ठंड के मौसम ने बाहर निकलना मुश्किल कर दिया था।


    3.      Ethereal (अलौकिक)

    extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.

    The ethereal beauty of the sunset took my breath away.

    सूर्यास्त की अलौकिक सुंदरता ने मेरी सांसें खींच लीं।


    4.      Puzzled (उलझा हुआ)

    confused or bewildered.

    She was puzzled by the strange behavior of her cat.

    वह अपनी बिल्ली के अजीब व्यवहार से हैरान थी।


    5.      Lightning speed (बहुत ज़्यादा तेज़)

    extremely fast.

    The car raced down the road at lightning speed.

    कार बिजली की रफ्तार से सड़क पर दौड़ पड़ी।


    6.      Melting (गलन)

    the process of turning a solid into a liquid by heating it.

    The ice cream began melting in the sun.

    धूप में आइसक्रीम पिघलने लगी।


    7.      Sprout (अंकुर)

    to begin to grow or develop.

    The plants began to sprout after the rain.

    बारिश के बाद पौधे अंकुरित होने लगे।


    8.      Brim (किनारा)

    the upper edge of something, usually a container.

    The glass was filled to the brim with water.

    गिलास पानी से लबालब भर चुका था।


    9.      Grateful (आभारी)

    feeling or showing gratitude or thanks.

    She was grateful for the help her friend had given her.

    वह उस मदद के लिए आभारी थी जो उसके दोस्त ने उसे दी थी।


    10.    Stepdaughter (सौतेली कन्या)

    a daughter of one's spouse from a previous marriage.

    Her stepdaughter was always treated unfairly by her stepmother.

    उसकी सौतेली माँ द्वारा उसकी सौतेली बेटी के साथ हमेशा गलत व्यवहार किया जाता था।


    11.    Hardworking (मेहनती)

    diligent and industrious.

    He was a hardworking student who always did his best.

    वह एक मेहनती छात्र था जिसने हमेशा अपना सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रदर्शन किया।


    12.    Lazed around (आराम करते हुए या आलस्य में समय बिताना)

    to spend time in a relaxed and idle manner.

    He spent the entire day lazing around on the couch.

    उसने पूरा दिन सोफे पर आराम करते हुए बिताया।


    13.    Mission (मिशन या उद्देश्य)

    a task or assignment that one is sent to do. 

    His mission was to deliver the package to the post office.

    उनका मिशन पैकेज को डाकघर तक पहुंचाना था।


    14.    Strange (अजीब)

    unusual or unfamiliar.

    She had a strange feeling that something was not right.

    उसे अजीब सा अहसास हो रहा था कि कुछ ठीक नहीं है।


    15.    Speed up (गति बढ़ाना)

    to increase the speed or rate of something. 

    She pressed the accelerator to speed up the car.

    उसने कार की रफ्तार बढ़ाने के लिए एक्सीलेटर दबा दिया।


    16.    Home (घर)

    the place where one lives. 

    She was happy to be home after a long day at work.

    दिन भर के काम के बाद घर आकर वह खुश थी।


    17.    Grateful (आभारी)

    feeling or showing gratitude or thanks. 

    She was grateful for the help her friend had given her.

    वह उस मदद के लिए आभारी थी जो उसके दोस्त ने उसे दी थी।


    18.    Lost (खो जाना)

    unable to find one's way.

    They were lost in the forest and didn't know how to get back.

    वे जंगल में खो गए थे और उन्हें नहीं पता था कि वापस कैसे जाना है।


    19.    Beautiful (सुंदर)

    pleasing to the senses or mind.

    The sunset was a beautiful sight to behold.

    सूर्यास्त का नजारा देखने लायक था।


    20.    Helped (मदद करना)

    Past tense of help, to give assistance or support.

    He helped her with her homework.

    उसने उसके गृहकार्य में उसकी मदद की।


    21.    Confused (भ्रमित)

    unable to understand or think clearly. 

    She was confused by the instructions and needed help.

    वह निर्देशों से भ्रमित थी और उसे मदद की ज़रूरत थी।


    22.    Bewildered (हक्का-बक्का)

    confused or perplexed.

    He was bewildered by the sudden turn of events.

    अचानक हुए घटनाक्रम से वह हक्का-बक्का रह गया।


    23.    Unwilling (अनिच्छुक)

    not wanting to do something.

    She was unwilling to go to the party, but her friends convinced her.

    वह पार्टी में जाने को तैयार नहीं थी, लेकिन उसके दोस्तों ने उसे मना लिया।


    24.    Extremely (अत्यंत)

    to a very high degree.

    The movie was extremely scary.

    फिल्म बेहद डरावनी थी।


    25.    Hesitant (दुविधा में पड़ा हुआ)

    uncertain or reluctant to do something. 

    She was hesitant to ask for a raise.

    वह तनख्वाह मांगने में झिझक रही थी।


    26.    Delicate (नाज़ुक)

    easily broken or damaged.

    The fragile vase was delicate and needed to be handled with care.

    नाजुक फूलदान नाजुक था और उसे सावधानी से संभालने की जरूरत थी।


    27.    Perfect (उत्तम)

    without fault or error.

    The wedding was perfect in every way.

    शादी हर तरह से उत्तम थी।


    28.    Process (प्रक्रिया)

    a series of actions or steps taken to achieve a particular end.

    The manufacturing process was very efficient.

    निर्माण प्रक्रिया बहुत कुशल थी।


    29.    Container (पात्र)

    an object used to hold or transport something.

    The container was filled with water.

    पात्र में पानी भरा हुआ था।


    30.    Spouse (जीवनसाथी)

    a husband or wife.

    She was devoted to her spouse and loved him deeply.

    वह अपने जीवनसाथी के प्रति समर्पित थी और उससे गहरा प्यार करती थी।


    H2. Synonyms

    1.    Awful - Terrible, dreadful

    2.    Stepdaughter - Foster daughter, adopted daughter

    3.    Hardworking - Diligent, industrious

    4.    Frigid - Freezing, icy

    5.    Ethereal - Otherworldly, supernatural

    6.    Puzzled - Confused, bewildered

    7.    Lightning - Rapid, swift

    8.    Sprout - Grow, bud

    9.    Grateful - Thankful, appreciative

    10.                       Kindness - Compassion, benevolence


    H3. Choose the right word for the given words :

    1. Ethereal

    A. Pertaining to the earth

    B. Heavenly, delicate, otherworldly

    C. Mysterious, supernatural

    D. Solid, tangible

    2. Trudge

    A. Walk quickly and lightly

    B. Run with great speed

    C. Walk slowly and heavily

    D. Hop and skip

    3. Puzzled

    A. Confused or bewildered

    B. Clever or intelligent

    C. Amazed or astonished

    D. Focused or determined

    4. Confinement

    A. Freedom or release

    B. Narrowness or limitation

    C. Comfort or luxury

    D. Distance or separation

    5. Reluctant

    A. Eager or enthusiastic

    B. Willing or compliant

    C. Unwilling or hesitant

    D. Resistant or rebellious

    6. Frigid

    A. Hot or warm

    B. Mild or temperate

    C. Freezing or extremely cold

    D. Icy or slippery

    7. Sharp

    A. Blunt or dull

    B. Clear or distinct

    C. Painful or uncomfortable

    D. Angry or irritable

    8. Laze

    A. Work hard or exert oneself

    B. Relax or do nothing

    C. Wander aimlessly

    D. Procrastinate or delay

    9. Melting

    A. Freezing or solidifying

    B. Boiling or evaporating

    C. Softening or dissolving

    D. Burning or igniting

    10. Grateful

    A. Ungrateful or unappreciative

    B. Thankful or appreciative

    C. Angry or resentful

    D. Indifferent or uncaring


    H4. Answer of H3 :

    1. B. Heavenly, delicate, otherworldly

    2. C. Walk slowly and heavily

    3. A. Confused or bewildered

    4. B. Narrowness or limitation

    5. C. Unwilling or hesitant

    6. C. Freezing or extremely cold

    7. B. Clear or distinct

    8. B. Relax or do nothing

    9. C. Softening or dissolving

    10. B. Thankful or appreciative


    H5. Story

    Twelve Months

    Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived an awful woman who had two daughters, one of her own and one stepdaughter. The stepdaughter's name was Kanishka, and she was a kind and hardworking girl. However, her stepmother had no love for her and made her do all the household chores while her own daughter lazed around doing nothing.

    One cold January night, as Kanishka was resting after a long day of work, her stepmother entered the room and said in a sharp tone, "Your stepsister desires flowers. Go and find some."

    Kanishka was reluctant to leave the warm confines of the house and venture out into the frigid winter night, but she knew better than to argue with her stepmother. So she wrapped herself in warm clothes and set out into the snowy landscape, her breath visible in the frosty air.

    As she trudged through the snow, her feet sinking into the drifts with every step, she came across a group of twelve men. They were all dressed in different clothes and had strange, ethereal qualities about them. When Kanishka told them about her mission to find flowers, one of the men spoke up.

    "We are the twelve months," he said. "And we can help you find the flowers you seek."

    Kanishka was puzzled by the men's appearance and strange offer, but she decided to accept their help. The first man, January, walked up to her and made a motion with his hand. Suddenly, the days of the month began to pass by at lightning speed until it was February's turn.

    February repeated the same motion, and time speedup once again. Then March stepped forward and made the sun shine, melting the snow and causing flowers to sprout up from the ground.

    Kanishka was amazed as she gathered up the flowers, filling her basket to the brim. She thanked the twelve months and made her way back home, eager to show her stepmother and stepsister the beautiful flowers she had found.

    When she arrived home, she spilled the flowers onto the table and told her stepmother and stepsister about the twelve men who had helped her. However, instead of being grateful for the flowers, the stepmother and stepsister were only interested in getting gifts from the twelve months.

    They set out to find the twelve men but soon became lost and never found their way back home. Meanwhile, Kanishka lived happily by herself, grateful for the kindness of the twelve months and the beautiful flowers they had helped her find.

    H6. Conversation

    Let's have a conversation between Kanishka, her stepmother named Shalini, her stepsister named Aisha, and a friend named Rajesh.

    Kanishka: (excitedly) Oh Rajesh, you won't believe what happened to me last night! I met the twelve months, and they helped me find the most beautiful flowers.

    Rajesh: (curious) Really? That sounds incredible, Kanishka. Tell me everything! Who were these twelve months?

    Kanishka: Well, they were these twelve men dressed in different clothes. Each one represented a different month of the year. It was fascinating! January, February, March, and the others helped me by using their unique powers.

    Shalini: (intrigued) Powers, you say? Hmm, maybe I could use their help too. Aisha, we should find these twelve men and ask for their assistance.

    Aisha: (eagerly) Yes, Mother! Imagine what they could do for us. We could have anything we desire.

    Kanishka: But, Mother, the twelve months helped me because I was kind and hardworking. They saw the goodness in my heart, not just my desires.

    Rajesh: Kanishka is right, Shalini. The twelve months' help wasn't just about material things. It was a reward for Kanishka's kindness and humility.

    Shalini: (reluctantly) I suppose you're right. Kanishka, I apologize for not appreciating your efforts earlier. It seems the twelve months saw the goodness in you that I failed to recognize.

    Kanishka: Thank you, Shalini. I'm glad you understand now. The flowers were meant to bring joy, not just to fulfill desires. Let's focus on spreading happiness instead.

    Aisha: (reflecting) You know, Kanishka, maybe I should start helping out more around the house too. I want to be deserving of such beautiful gestures as well.

    Rajesh: That's a great idea, Aisha. Kindness and hard work go a long way in life. Maybe we can all learn something from Kanishka's encounter with the twelve months.

    Kanishka: (smiling) I'm glad to hear that, Aisha. Together, we can create a more harmonious home and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us.

    In this conversation, Kanishka's stepmother, Shalini, and stepsister, Aisha, eventually realize the importance of kindness and the rewards it brings. They understand that the twelve months' help was not solely about fulfilling desires but also about recognizing the goodness in one's heart.

    H7. Answer the following questions : (Know how to ask questions)

    1.    Who were the two daughters of the awful woman?

    2.    How was Kanishka's character described?

    3.    What did the stepmother ask Kanishka to do?

    4.    Why was Kanishka reluctant to go out in the winter night?

    5.    Who did Kanishka meet while she was searching for flowers?

    6.    What did the twelve men call themselves?

    7.    What did January do to help Kanishka?

    8.    Who made the sun shine and melted the snow?

    9.    What was Kanishka's reaction when she saw the flowers?

    10.                       What did Kanishka do after gathering the flowers?

    11.                       What was the stepmother and stepsister's reaction when they saw the flowers?

    12.                       Why did the stepmother and stepsister set out to find the twelve months?

    13.                       Did the stepmother and stepsister find the twelve months?

    14.                       Was Kanishka grateful for the kindness of the twelve months?

    15.                       Did Kanishka live with her stepsister and stepmother?

    16.                       Did Kanishka's stepsister help her with the household chores?

    17.                       How did Kanishka feel about her stepmother?

    18.                       Did Kanishka argue with her stepmother when she was asked to find flowers?

    19.                       What was the climate like when Kanishka went out to find flowers?

    20.                       Did Kanishka face any difficulties while searching for flowers?

    H8. Answer of H6 :

    Ans 1: One daughter was her own, and the other was a stepdaughter named Kanishka.

    Ans 2: Kanishka was described as a kind and hardworking girl.

    Ans 3: The stepmother asked Kanishka to find flowers for her stepsister.

    Ans 4: Kanishka was reluctant to go out because it was cold outside.

    Ans 5: Kanishka met a group of twelve men while searching for flowers.

    Ans 6: The twelve men called themselves the twelve months.

    Ans 7: January made a motion with his hand, and time began to pass by at lightning speed.

    Ans 8: March made the sun shine, melted the snow, and caused flowers to sprout up from the ground.

    Ans 9: Kanishka was amazed when she saw the flowers.

    Ans 10: Kanishka thanked the twelve months and made her way back home.

    Ans 11: The stepmother and stepsister were only interested in getting gifts from the twelve months.

    Ans 12: They set out to find the twelve months because they wanted gifts from them.

    Ans 13: No, they became lost and never found their way back home.

    Ans 14: Yes, Kanishka was grateful for the kindness of the twelve months.

    Ans 15: Yes, Kanishka lived with her stepsister and stepmother.

    Ans 16: No, Kanishka's stepsister lazed around doing nothing.

    Ans 17: The article does not explicitly state how Kanishka felt about her stepmother.

    Ans 18: No, Kanishka did not argue with her stepmother.

    Ans 19: It was a frigid winter night when Kanishka went out to find flowers.

    Ans 20: Yes, Kanishka had to trudge through the snow, and her feet sank into the drifts with every step.

    H9. Other More Useful words

    1. anxious (adj) चिंतित

    When a person is anxious, they worry that something bad will happen.

    She was anxious about not making her appointment on time.

    समय पर नियुक्ति नहीं होने से वह परेशान थी।


    2. awful (adj) ख़राब

    When something is awful, it is very bad.

    Her performance last night was awful.

    बीती रात उसका प्रदर्शन ख़राब रहा।


    3. consist (v) निहित होना

    To consist of is to be made of parts or things.

    Today's choices for lunch consisted of pizza, hamburgers, and hot dogs.

    दोपहर के भोजन के लिए आज के विकल्पों में पिज़्ज़ा, हैम्बर्गर और हॉट डॉग शामिल हैं।


    4. desire (v) इच्छा करना

    To desire is to want something.

    M sister desires a big house and lots of money.

    मेरी बहन एक बड़ा घर और ढेर सारा पैसा चाहती है।


    5. eager (adj) उत्सुक

    When a person is eager about something, they are excited about it.

    The man was eager to talk about the good news.वह आदमी सुसमाचार के बारे में बात करने के लिए उत्सुक था।


    6. household (n) परिवार

    A household is all the people who live in one house.

    Our household is made up of my father, my mother and me.

    हमारा परिवार मेरे पिता, मेरी मां और मुझ से मिलकर बना है।


    7. intent (n) इरादा

    An intent is a plan to do something.

    Her intent is to visit Italy next summer.

    उसका इरादा अगली गर्मियों में इटली जाने का है।


    8. landscape (n) परिदृश्य

    A landscape is how an area of land looks.

    The landscape of the country is very green.

    देश का परिदृश्य बहुत हरा-भरा है।


    9. lift (v) उठाना

    To lift something is to move it higher.

    The man tried to lift the box.

    उस आदमी ने बॉक्स को उठाने की कोशिश की।


    10. load (v) लादना

    To load is to put objects into something.

    The man loaded the boxes into a truck.

    आदमी ने बक्सों को एक ट्रक में लाद दिया।


    11. lung (n) फेफड़ा

    A lung is the organ in the body that fills with air when breathing.

    Having strong lungs is necessary for a healthy life.

    स्वस्थ जीवन के लिए फेफड़ों का मजबूत होना जरूरी है।


    12. motion (n) गति

    A motion is a movement that someone makes.

    The police officer made a motion with his hand.

    पुलिस अधिकारी ने अपने हाथ से एक हरकत की।


    13. pace (n) चाल

    The pace of something is the speed at which it happens.

    I ran the race at a slower pace than my friend.

    मैंने अपने मित्र की तुलना में धीमी गति से दौड़ लगाई।


    14. polite (adj) विनम्र

    When someone is polite, they are acting in a thoughtful way.

    The boy was very polite: he behaved very thoughtfully.

    लड़का बहुत विनम्र था: उसने बहुत सोच-समझकर व्यवहार किया।



    1. possess (v) अधिकार में रखना

    To possess something is to have it or own it.

    My uncle possesses three sheep, a chicken, a cow and a dog.

    मेरे चाचा के पास तीन भेड़ें, एक मुर्गी, एक गाय और एक कुत्ता है।

    16. rapidly (adj) तेज़ी से

    When something happens rapidly, it happens very fast.

    The train moved rapidly on the tracks.

    ट्रेन तेजी से पटरियों पर चली गई।


    17. remark (v) टिप्पणीस्वरूप कहना

    To remark is to say something.

    The teacher remarked on how quickly the students were learning.

    शिक्षक ने टिप्पणी की कि छात्र कितनी जल्दी सीख रहे थे।


    18. seek (v) अनुसरण करना

    To seek is to look for something.

    If I have a problem, I seek my sister's advice.

    अगर मुझे कोई समस्या होती है, तो मैं अपनी बहन की सलाह लेता हूँ।


    19. shine (v) चमकाना

    To shine is to make a bright light.

    The candles are shining in the dark room.

    मोमबत्तियाँ अंधेरे कमरे में चमक रही हैं।

    20. spill (v) गिरा देना

    To spill is to have something fall out of its container.

    I spilled the coffee on the table.

    मैंने कॉफी टेबल पर गिरा दी।


    Tags : english vocabulary words with meaning pdf, vocabulary words with meaning and sentence, a to z vocabulary words with meaning and sentence, english vocabulary words with hindi meaning, English vocabulary words with meaning, translate english to hindi, translate in hindi, translate hindi into English, translate in English, translation english to hindi, translation in hindi, translation hindi into English, translation to English, Hindi-Man, hindiman, hindi man, 

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